Pat Oliphant for June 23, 2009

  1. Missing large
    macb423  about 15 years ago

    Nicely done, Pat. Thanks!

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  2. Willow
    nomad2112  about 15 years ago

    Shouldn’t he be walking on water?

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  3. Dougasbkassy
    dougeprofile  about 15 years ago

    What about the oppressed Iranian people (ie. students) “the Messiah” has been kicking off his tight roap as he goes?

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  4. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 15 years ago

    Look up the definition of “merkin,” and you may find another deliberate joke…

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  5. Holygrail049
    OneWithTheUniverse  about 15 years ago

    I forgot that merkin is what they call that thing on Newt’s head.

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  6. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  about 15 years ago

    It’s my belief that at least a few of these uber-conservatives are screaming for Obama to intervene in Iran precisely because they know it will blow up in his face.

    And that’s exactly what they want…and also all they care about.

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  7. Missing large
    Tolestoy  about 15 years ago

    I hope this doesn’t upset Mark Sanford, he might run away again.



    My bad.

    I hope this upsets Mark Sanford, he might run away again.

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  8. Missing large
    Tolestoy  about 15 years ago

    motivemagus: I have no idea how you knew the meaning of “merkin” but I’m sure glad you did. Best comment of the day!

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  9. Missing large
    Tolestoy  about 15 years ago

    dougeprofile said:

    What about the oppressed Iranian people (ie. students) “the Messiah” has been kicking off his tight roap as he goes?

    Yes I’m sure they’re hoping to reap the good life that “The Idiot” brought to the students of Iraq and Afghanistan with his disastrous adventures in unreality.

    By the way, you do realize that you are complimenting President Obama? Oh that’s right, it’s a lame attempt at sarcasm. I’m sure The Lord gets a big laugh out of you using His Name in vain as an insult.

    Also, if I may paraphrase your hero: “Is our children learning” to spell ‘rope?’” Obviously not. No wonder advanced concepts like sarcasm, respect, spelling, punctuation, and thinking are so daunting to some people.

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  10. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  about 15 years ago

    I wish I hadn’t looked that up.

    Tolestoy, most right wing trolls care little more than taking cheap shot as people they’re told to hate and spouting talking points they’re told to accept.

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  11. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  about 15 years ago

    I don’t like how the demonstrators are being suppressed in Iran (though I think theirt could be a whole more oppressive if they wanted to - for whatever reason they are showing some restraint), but I really do not see how the West could make a big, quick difference that won’t blow up in our faces.

    Sure, Obama could make a show, but the second he does so Ahmadinejad and co will scream how the opposition leaders are actually American spies, the protesters are paid stooges (or whatever the Farsi equivalent is) and really take out the gloves. Then what, do we get a war with Iran? That will mean even more innocents - Iranian and other - suffer.

    Sometimes the quick solution is not the best one. Obama will need all his wits and good advice he can get, and for all our sakes I hope he manages to find the best course.

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  12. Missing large
    cartwrights  about 15 years ago

    Well done, Pat.

    And looking up the definition of “merkin” is almost NSFW.

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  13. Cat
    Henrie  about 15 years ago

    I agree - Obama is doing the best he can. I sometimes wonder if the people who want him to do more really want to start another war not only to put Obama down, but also to make all the money they’ve been making on the two we’re in now. Haliburton sure made out.

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  14. Buddy
    lalas  about 15 years ago

    I have yet to hear one of you blowhards offer something else. I also have yet to hear you mention anything that ACTUALLY references ANYTHING Obama has said on the issue.

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  15. Grimace
    Lt_Lanier  about 15 years ago

    Thank Jove for the tenacity and courage of Netanyahu, Sarkozy, and Merkel to speak out.

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  16. Buddy
    lalas  about 15 years ago

    Lego – done and done. safer than google on these things.

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  17. Obama hopnosis
    Right_On  about 15 years ago

    Wow. Should have read about not doing the google search.

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  18. Missing large
    RobSmithJr2  about 15 years ago

    Hmmm..Obama is really staying on the sidelines about this. He’s tossing out some words about it, but nothing unusual for a leader of a country. I don’t see him balancing or even considering a balance. He has questioned all sides. Probably best thing to do. We have our own troubles without being involved in still another mid-east mess. Though this is an about face from his strong words of support of mid-east issues during the campaign, hence the reporters, left & right, begging him to explain the inconsistency. He is a politician, after all. So, as much as I admire Pat Oilphant, I think he missed with this one.

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  19. Tequilacat drawneditsm
    Nurb  about 15 years ago

    I hope we stay the hell out of it… last thing we need is another “Shah of iran” alliance

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  20. Campina 2
    deadheadzan  about 15 years ago

    Flies to the right of him, flies to the left of him, behind him, too. All with their ideas on how to best exploit the situation. And Obama will soldier on and balance everything.

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  21. Statue liberty 2
    GNWachs  about 15 years ago

    Obama is beginning to fold. The public wants stronger action and he is listening.

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  22. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 15 years ago

    Fold, H3ll. He’s taking thoughtful, measured steps. Nice to see that for a change. McCain would have bombed them already.

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  23. Statue liberty 2
    GNWachs  about 15 years ago

    He never would have taken those thoughtful even steps until he read the public tealeaves.

    motivemagus: usually you are reasonable and thoughtful. Your McCain comment was inane.

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  24. Statue liberty 2
    GNWachs  about 15 years ago

    motivemagus: From CNN. these are not thoughtful even steps. he is responding the way he thinks America wants him to respond.

    Tone check from the presser: “The normally unflappable President Obama let his cool demeanor slip Tuesday, showing signs of frustration with questions on domestic and foreign policy issues as poll numbers indicate support for his policies is slipping,” The Hill’s Sam Youngman writes. “The president snapped at reporters who echoed his critics, particularly at those who questioned his response to unrest in Iran or asked about how his proposed public insurance plan might hurt the free market.”

    On Iran – that language sure sounded different.

    “President Obama hardened his tone toward Iran on Tuesday, condemning the government for its crackdown against election protesters and accusing Iran’s leaders of fabricating charges against the United States,” The New York Times’ Helene Cooper and David E. Sanger report. “In his strongest comments since the crisis erupted 10 days ago, Mr. Obama used unambiguous language to assail the Iranian government during a news conference at the White House, calling himself ‘appalled and outraged by the threats, beatings and imprisonments of the past few days.’ ”

    ABC’s Jake Tapper: “President Obama amped up his rhetoric about the Iranian government crackdown on protestors Tuesday afternoon, expressing concerns about the death of a young woman who’s become an icon of the protests – Neda Agha-Soltan – but also not indicating any policy shift towards the Islamic Republic.”

    The AP fact-check: “President Barack Obama described himself on Tuesday as being ‘entirely consistent’ in his expressions of concern about the disputed Iranian election and the government crackdown that followed street protests. But his language clearly has gotten tougher since his first statement that the suppression of dissent was ‘of concern to me.’ ”

    The Chicago Sun-Times’ Lynn Sweet: “The inside story of how the White House choreographed the Huffington Post question is overwhelmed by the message Obama wanted to send out to the Iranian youths on the streets of Tehran, who are witnessing their revolution play out on the Web. Even though the Iranian government has tried to curb cell phone videos and still pictures, Twitter messages and e-mail exchanges, the social networking tools of the Internet have helped organize demonstrations and send information out to the world.”

    Slate’s John Dickerson: “He escalated his rhetoric about the violence in Iran but insisted he hadn’t changed his posture. He claimed to be outside the 24-hour news cycle while simultaneously manipulating it.”

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