Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for September 17, 2024

  1. Img 20230831 231000
    silberdistel  6 months ago

    I have 2 questions: 1) what does that mean: “Can I start a room for you?” 2) what does Cathy say in the last pan? No store with clothes her size???

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  2. Missing large
    baskate_2000  6 months ago

    This happens far too often, and is SO annoying!

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  3. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  6 months ago

    You can’t shout for sales staff because the music is too loud.

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  4. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  6 months ago

    Too many salespeople around when you don’t need them, and no one around when you do. Looks like my comment from yesterday was better suited for today’s comic instead! (>ᴗ•)


    Hi, rgcviper! :-)


    Hello and Happy Tuesday, fellow “Cathy” fans. Have a great day, everyone! ♥

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    hendelca Premium Member 6 months ago

    Yes! Definitely worse today. It is hard enough to find a salesperson in the large stores but then you have the extra challenge of finding one that actually wants to help you.

    My wife worked for a chain clothing store in our local mall for a while many years ago. Every saleslady (no men worked there) had a quota to make so the competition to get the customer was fierce. As a result the staff were definitely not friendly to each other so my wife left after only a couple of months. Oh – to make it worse, since it was a women’s clothing store she had to wear their clothes and that was their current line of clothes. Once an item was no longer sold she could not wear it to work. I figured out that she was very close to paying them to work there.

    I hope everyone is enjoying this fine July day. Over 80F here again and predicted to stay this way until at least Saturday. Not normal for our September. I am trying to absorb all the heat I can so I can let it out in January when we need it.

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  6. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  6 months ago

    The struggles we face while shopping … they seem pretty real now, huh?

    HI, MOM. Hello, Cathy" Clan

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