Luann Againn by Greg Evans for September 06, 2024

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    Mordock999 Premium Member 6 months ago


    I see a guy who’s “friend” is about to make a FOOL of him.


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    Gizmo Cat  6 months ago

    Reminds me of ‘Clueless’ where some of the guys dress like that and only attract the girls that are also into skateboarding and dress just as sloppy as well.

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    baskate_2000  6 months ago

    I TOLD you, just undo the top button of your shirt!

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  4. Rays
    TampaFanatic1  6 months ago

    My prediction at the Food Court: the lads grab some food and being 1996 they run into a couple of guys with bad haircuts, Billy Bob Thornton as Karl and John Ritter as a Dollar Store Manager. Thornton says (as he did in Slingblade) as he looks at Gunther and Knute: “Not funny haha, funny queer”. Slingblade was a great movie, Thornton won an Oscar for the screen play and should have got the Daily Double with Best Actor as Karl but did get nominated. Jack Ritter should have got a nod for best supporting actor as well though looking back 28 years I did laugh for a lot of the wrong reasons in that movie including the “Funny Ha Ha” blast from Billy Bob though the character played by Dwight Yoakam was pure evil and props to Karl for “aiming to kill him”

 I suspect Slingblade would be dissected apart by the PC crowd and censors in 2024. Nonetheless, the G-Man was a bonafide dork in 1996, Knute was a slacker and it would be interesting to see where he would be in the Luannverse of 2024; still with Crystal or working the night shift at Wienie World asking people if they want fries with their wieners

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    melodymucisa  6 months ago

    I kind of like this look on Gunther

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    mousefumanchu Premium Member 6 months ago

    Nope, but I’d vote for jeans and sweat shirt.

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  7. Ball 3001 reasonably small
    kauri44  6 months ago

    It actually wouldn’t look too bad if he also got a less nerdy style of glasses.

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