Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for July 30, 2009
Lars: Whenever someone is brought here from Earth, they're kept in the cities to prevent species contamination. But one time I brought someone who wandered off into the jungle... Danae: Just one person? What harm could that have done? Lars: Well... Go into the cave and see for yourself... Danae: Oh...
debra4life50 over 15 years ago
Ah, Cap’n Eddy - the God of Belch.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Capt. Eddy was in the cave, just like we thought.
madKanga over 15 years ago
Anyone going to pretend they are suprised?
cleokaya over 15 years ago
…just not in the form that we thought he would be in. LOL
grinstoya over 15 years ago
I could pretend to be surprised… but I love how Danae isn’t suprised like most girls who are only surprised when men don’t make them the center of the universe.
wndrwrthg over 15 years ago
Certainly no worry of further contamination.
dvoyack over 15 years ago
Now would be a good time to tell Lars Cap’n Eddy says “Hi”.
lazygrazer over 15 years ago
Good Lawd!
GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago
That’s “Great God of Belch” to you.
prasrinivara over 15 years ago
Well, Cap’n Eddie did mention to Danae he had been here–and we now know it was not a tall tale.
treered over 15 years ago
one person, and ONE CAT!
alan.gurka over 15 years ago
So how come the apes aren’t speaking with Boston accents? What did they learn from Captain Eddie?
rdclark53217 over 15 years ago
Cap’n Eddie does NOT speak with a Boston Accent. He speaks with a MAINE accent.
It’s perfectly clear to ME.
DevXIII over 15 years ago
Oh, what a surprise…NOT!!
yyyguy over 15 years ago
@rdclark: nice pun. (ME as the abbreviation for Maine.) or am i giving too much credit? (naaah! don’t think so.)
Potrzebie over 15 years ago
So, are any of the parties involved going to be surprised when they finally figure out the cat?
AKHenderson Premium Member over 15 years ago
Maybe the apes should be relocated to a remote island on our Earth that has ESPN access.
Varnes over 15 years ago
Well, he is the Master when it comes to belching. I’d go to that church. I’ve discovered that this is even funnier, when I think of all the belching as farting. I bet apes have some mean farts…
chromosome Premium Member over 15 years ago
Check out “Little Dog Lost” for another potential god for the apes.
reynard61 over 15 years ago
doctortoon: “Cats expect to be worshiped.”
Cat: “In ancient Egypt we were worshipped as gods!”
Human: “The operative word in that statement is ‘were’.”
4deerinmyyard over 15 years ago
Cat: Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that.
caddy.1957 over 15 years ago
Species? WHICH species….certainly not Captain Eddie…the apes maybe?
Lurah over 15 years ago
Cats Rule!
keenanthelibrarian over 15 years ago
Ah, the power of the unspoken word … how eloquent is the burp under the right circumstances!
gcl2bo over 15 years ago
Captain Eddie and Danae in two worlds could there be more?
treered over 15 years ago
seems that Lars knows that Danae knows Capt Eddie. Capt Eddie must not have been THAT bad, or Lars wouldn’t have allowed Danae to come….
Lawrence Stetz Premium Member over 15 years ago
Okay, this is creepy. This is very creepy when one of Captain Eddie’s tall tales turn out to be true.
Archistoteles about 3 years ago
I think you’re going to find out that a lot (if not all) of Captain Eddie’s tall tales are true.