Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for October 14, 2009
Joe: Is it my imagination, or are people really more stupid today? Flo: No... stupid is an inability to learn. People haven't lost that. Joe: Well then why is ignorance so rampant when we have more information available than ever? Voice from television: ... And there it is, clearly written between the lines... they want to tax your use of gravity!! Flo: Stupid is a condition. Ignorance is a choice... Joe: And it grabs better ratings.
yyyguy over 15 years ago
like the difference between intelligence and wisdom.
madKanga over 15 years ago
Not sure I agree with her definitions. People not only have the information available, they know it.
Like people who send $50 to collect the “money they have for sure won” - even when their friends have told them it is a scam; or the people who send money to help transfer funds out of Nigeria.
Stupid more than ignorant, I would say.
rayannina over 15 years ago
It’s not that more people today are stupid – it’s just that they have more opportunities today to display it.
Donna Haag over 15 years ago
I agree with y’all.
Ignorance - the lack of knowledge
Stupidity - the refusal of knowledge
ejcapulet over 15 years ago
Then there’s “stupid as a lifestyle choice”. I only wish I was joking. I’ve heard “I don’t need to go to no fancy college, I know everything I need to know.”
grapfhics over 15 years ago
There are more of them, period.
wicky over 15 years ago
Plus which, you cannot reason with an idiot.
gjsjr41 over 15 years ago
the word “gullible” comes to mind.
wndrwrthg over 15 years ago
If ignorance is bliss, I believe America is becoming the most blissful nation on earth.
Hugh B. Hayve over 15 years ago
Everyone knows, That the world is full of stupid people, I got the pistols and I need the pesos, Yeah,and that seems fair…
Desultourist over 15 years ago
The theory of gravitation has never been proved.
fschubertrj over 15 years ago
Stupidity borderlines evilness…
dewrite1 over 15 years ago
ya can’t fix stupid - Ron White
Ronshua over 15 years ago
If the circumstances were temporary , it would be hilarious .
wdgnas over 15 years ago
i thought gullible was spelled with two l’s. i’ll wait while you look it up.
alan.gurka over 15 years ago
The whole argument starts off wrong with her answer to his question about “people really more stupid today.” Her answer, “People haven’t lost that,” is not an answer. If they’d lost that, they would be less stupid. If anything, people ARE more stupid because their inability to learn (to use her explanation) has grown. People can’t spell even with Spellcheck, for example.
chairump Premium Member over 15 years ago
Ignorance can be cured … stupid is forever
wicky over 15 years ago
Gull-a-Bull, (Bugs Bunny said it best)
vexatron1984 over 15 years ago
I’d say ignorance breeds stupidity and that ignorance breeds like rabbits!
grinstoya over 15 years ago
You’re stupid if you can’t understand what’s going on and ignorant if you keep going along with it…. brings to mind politics and religion.
zonkerpirate over 15 years ago
Oh you mean the guy on the news that yells the loudest isn’t always right?
DoraDingle over 15 years ago
If everyone was more intelligent and less ignorant (or stupid), would that make the world better?
RoadTrip3500 over 15 years ago
I think Mom has it right in her definitions… ignorance = root word “ignore”… one is presented with facts and chooses to ignore them.
Lyons Group, Inc. over 15 years ago
Maybe. Then people will start making better decisions instead of poor ones. Then we’ll have a much better economy.
pswhitlark over 15 years ago
I wouldn’t be too sure that these idiots in Washington wouldn’t want to find a way to tax us for our use of gravity. They’ve already working on ways to tax everything else.
ronaldmundy over 15 years ago
No, Fairportfan2 Ignorance is not realizing your stupid. Ignorance can’t be “cured” either. If something is explained to you, it doesn’t mean you’ll accept it or comprehend it. God, they’re everywhere! Wanna buy a bridge?
brewwitch over 15 years ago
Einstein had good quote on the subject, too (appropriate because of the tax on gravity usage):
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.”
Allison Nunn Premium Member over 15 years ago
When the people with higher intelligence levels are smart enough to not over re-produce, but those of lower intelligence breed like rabbits (and many times get paid to do it ie: pogey/welfare) then yes, the world is dumbing down. and the “news” that tries to find conspiracies even where there are none just to try to boost their ratings sends us farther down that spiral.
CogentModality over 15 years ago
How soon they forget, Wiley. Harken back to yesterdays strip people.
runninanreadin over 15 years ago
“You can’t catch stupid.” - Jo Carter (Eureka)….I’m not so sure. The question remains: Is it possible to slap the stupid out of the people? (Not that you WANT to…you really HAVE to…lol)
locoboilerguy over 15 years ago
Beware of stupid people in large groups.
Varnes over 15 years ago
Ignor- ance is a choice, coupled with lazyness..
lewisbower over 15 years ago
Darwin was wrong. Intelligent people practice population control. The gene pool goes down. When we artificially support the non-productive breeders, the gene pool also goes down.
We have a holiday coming up where it would be possible to take the leaders of the non-productive and throw them in active volcanoes. No this is not Halloween, it is election day.
GLENN B WOODEN over 15 years ago
Like the bumper sticker says, “My kid can beat up your honor student”. Many people put a premium on ignorance. So, stupid is bred, but ignorance is fed.
Jml58 over 15 years ago
The intelligence on the planet is a constant.
The populace is growing.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
wndwrthg, I believe you are right!
DevXIII over 15 years ago
The sad thing is I can just picture Glen Beck saying something like that..
Digital Frog over 15 years ago
Yep - It’s like the one football? player that, when asked “Are you ignorant or just apethetic?” replied, “I don’t know and don’t care”.
Dirty Dragon over 15 years ago
Hat tip to today’s special guest star, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Loon-MN).
Nighthawks Premium Member over 15 years ago
all you can do is shake your head …..the whole point of this cartoon is lost when somebody claims , apparently seriously, that the big fat idiot is the source of sanity and righteousness
yyyguy over 15 years ago
“never argue with an idiot. people watching might not be able to tell the difference.”
Iwa Iniki over 15 years ago
Just remember that I am a genius.
Trebor39 over 15 years ago
If you don’t believe idiots abound then turn on the TV and just listen.
kat827618 over 15 years ago
Priceless cartoon!
Stupidity: Inability to learn/lack of intelligence.
Ignorance: Willful or incidental lack of knowledge.
Denial: Refusal of valid knowledge.
Wisdom: Ability to use knowledge for constructive purposes.
artybee over 15 years ago
All this makes my head hurt.
Ushindi over 15 years ago
nighthawks…I like your take on things, since I completely agree with you, of course….
reynard61 over 15 years ago
Desultourist said: “The theory of gravitation has never been proved.”
Then how about you go to the top of the tallest building/structure/mountain that you can find, start flapping your arms and jump off – and then tell us the results…
Ronshua over 15 years ago
artybee so your the one in the bow of this canoe ride .
ccmills over 15 years ago
Stupidity is not confined to the uneducated.
Sometime ago I read where a prominent lecturer attended a graduating college class.
He asked them a question “why do we have seasons?” Several answers were thrown at him including eliptical orbit of the earth around the sun.
When he pointed out that if it was eliptical orbit then we would all have the same season (northern and southern hemisphere) at the same time.
He corrected those that got it wrong by informing them it was the tilt of the earth’s axis that produced the seasons.
His amazement was not that some students who were graduating got the answer wrong, it was that about 30% of those that got it wrong refused to accept they were wrong and kept arguing.
Thats stupid
bmonk over 15 years ago
Iwa Iniki Genius_badge said, about 5 smart comments ago
“Just remember that I am a genius.”
Me too–and I even have the little icon to prove it. Well, at least for a few months…
bmonk over 15 years ago
cliquegge said, about 1 argument ago
“His amazement was not that some students who were graduating got the answer wrong, it was that about 30% of those that got it wrong refused to accept they were wrong and kept arguing.
“Thats stupid”
No, that’s a culture that increasingly holds opinions and relative, subjective truths rather than believing in objective truth. If there are no objective truths, we can only try to persuade others, we can never prove them wrong. And, in turn, if we refuse to accept a fact as true, there’s no way to make us.
Yakety Sax over 15 years ago
“Stupid is as stupid does.”
Lawrence Stetz Premium Member over 15 years ago
Just think that for twelve dollars a year. Just one dollar a month. You too can be a genius.
Lawrence Stetz Premium Member over 15 years ago
Roto13: The sad part is that lately I’ve been feeling the same way lately. I need to go out and get away from the internet for a while when I start hating everybody.
madKanga over 15 years ago
Roto13 - do you mean Non Sequitur (i.e.WM) or some of the ones who comment (I guess we all are pretty predictable, aren’t we?).
LordDogmore over 15 years ago
Once again I believe the only thing that can be done is this, every nation with neuclear weapons simply uses them all of them all at once, and then everything including this silly comic strip will be put into proper perspective.
gsfaulls over 15 years ago
I hear you all talk about the problems, but are you prepared to DO anything about them?
fixer1967 over 15 years ago
I agree with what pswhitlark said, the taxes are crazy. No they are beyond crazy.
pswhitlark said I wouldn’t be too sure that these idiots in Washington wouldn’t want to find a way to tax us for our use of gravity. They’ve already working on ways to tax everything else.
James Lindley Premium Member over 15 years ago
OH they’re working on it, they’re just not calling it that. They’re calling it a fat tax. The more gravity you use (fatter you are) the more they want to tax you. So far they haven’t gotten the fatter members of Congress to vote for it though. :)
pheonixeaglescorpion 9 months ago
Stupidity is willful ignorance, we are all born ignorant, and stupid people choose to stay that way.