That’s why they say it reduces the appearance of wrinkles. They know the subjective opinion only works as long as they use the product. Advertisers are sneaky.
Short of Botox, Juvéderm or other injection, or surgery, nothing gets rid of wrinkles, just the appearance of them. The fountain of youth is only available to people with fountains of money, and even there there are limits.
FreyjaRN Premium Member 12 months ago
That’s why they say it reduces the appearance of wrinkles. They know the subjective opinion only works as long as they use the product. Advertisers are sneaky.
PlatudimusAtom Premium Member 12 months ago
Short of Botox, Juvéderm or other injection, or surgery, nothing gets rid of wrinkles, just the appearance of them. The fountain of youth is only available to people with fountains of money, and even there there are limits.
Moonkey Premium Member 12 months ago
There’s a reason why we get wrinkles around the same age we normally lose some close-up vision. Mother Nature is smart.