Prickly City by Scott Stantis for January 10, 2024

  1. Unnamed
    The dude from FL  Premium Member 12 months ago

    November will end it, and it won’t be pretty either way………IF orange loses?

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  2. Img 1373
    Quixotic1  12 months ago

    When one side finds political violence acceptable, civil war is inevitable.

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  3. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 12 months ago

    Stantis continues his both sides do it equally crap.

    Maybe next, he’ll tell everyone how all judges are being threatened equally — you know, by ‘all sides’.

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  4. E067 169 48
    Darsan54 Premium Member 12 months ago

    That’s what Chump is trying to do.

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  5. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   12 months ago

    The idea that far-right extremism poses a threat to the country has been contested by political pundits and some Republican lawmakers, who have attempted to minimize far-right violence and argued that far-left ideologies should receive more focus from law enforcement.

    But to even compare far-right and far-left movements in the U.S. today is a false equivalency because of the rate at which far-right violence outpaces the far left, said Miller-Idriss – analysis seconded by Liz Yates, a researcher at the immigration advocacy organization Human Rights First.

    Thomas Spoehr, a scholar with the conservative Heritage Foundation who’s argued against “wokeness” in the military, agreed that right-wing extremism is more prevalent than other ideologies, though he believes the issue of extremism overall is taking up too many government resources.

    The numbers are hard to argue with. Right-wing ideologies were behind a majority of the nearly 600 domestic terror attacks that occurred from 2010 through 2021, according to data shared with Military Times by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a think tank based in Washington, D.C.

    During that period, right-wing extremists were charged with 353 plots or attacks that caused 147 deaths, the data show. In the same time frame, far-left extremists carried out 126 plots or attacks, killing 23 people.

    The rest of the political violence during those years was committed by jihadist groups and ethnonationalists, which included antisemitic and Jewish extremists and Cuban exiles, among others.

    The think tank’s data supports findings from the Department of Homeland Security, which also determined that white supremacy was behind more domestic terrorist attacks and plots than any other ideology from 2010 through 2021.


    Military Times

    A ‘lethal threat’: why the far right sees more scrutiny than the left

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    MollyCat  12 months ago

    Please let’s end this arc

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  7. Lifi
    rossevrymn  12 months ago

    Stanti will be shattering the FALSE EQUIVALENCY record like 2023 did the heat gauge.

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  8. Orange
    Scott Stantis creator 12 months ago

    Like you, The dude from FL, I fear that we will see a repeat of January 6, (only more so), should President Trump lose again.

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    MichaelSFC90  12 months ago

    How is it at the end of every cartoon fight when they stop they already have bandages on them?

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