…. and to a keg of dynamite …..
It should be “Reserved for whom?”
FredBassetfan says: It should be “Reserved for whom?”
It’s the King’s English and he’ll speak it as he pleases.
Hey, what happened to Monday’s cartoon????
Oops!! This can only happen in Id.
Mastroianni and Hart
Leonardeuler almost 16 years ago
…. and to a keg of dynamite …..
Fred_Basset_fan almost 16 years ago
It should be “Reserved for whom?”
McGehee almost 16 years ago
FredBassetfan says: It should be “Reserved for whom?”
It’s the King’s English and he’ll speak it as he pleases.
Jackone almost 16 years ago
Hey, what happened to Monday’s cartoon????
Leonardeuler almost 16 years ago
Oops!! This can only happen in Id.