Guess Florida wants to keep its title of ‘Worst Education System in the 50 states." They were bad when I was a kid in the 60s and, from the sounds of things, they haven’t changed one bit in the last 60 years.
There’s no book banning. They were removed from elementary school libraries. No books were burned. Nobody is arrested for having these books or selling them off of school grounds.
The ones comparing this to the NAZIs are the most ignorant. The NAZIs removed books from all stores and libraries that were of a Jewish nature, or were against the strictures of National Socialism. The works of Mahler and other Jewish composers, artists or authors were banned and burned.
You can go buy your kid any of the “banned” books on Amazon or your local book store, or for that matter, your public library. Your kid can probably bring it to school without any consequences, either.
And some of you fainting over these “bannings” are the same ones that would drag the school board into court if their were a bible on the shelves or in a teacher’s purse. Is it just that the left is angry that they aren’t the ones that always get to choose what is on the shelves with impunity? Would you want Mein Kampf in a middle school library? How about books by Rush Limbaugh?
Several of the books in question were read aloud by a black pastor in a different school board meeting, until he was arrested for public lewdness and dragged out for refusing to stop. Before he was cuffed, he asked why the book could be checked out by a 3rd grader from the school library but he couldn’t read from it.
mddshubby2005 12 months ago
I’d rea&&y ha&e &o &ive in F&orida ri&h& now.
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member 12 months ago
This is one of those stories where you could really stop reading at “Florida”.
Argythree 12 months ago
Not all of Florida is in line with the ‘Gov’. Think about the Keys, especially Key West…
Totalloser Premium Member 12 months ago
I wouldn’t past them to ban the combination of those letters.
I liked the folks who tried to get the Bible banned since it has some much sex and violence, and of course it is a book of fiction
Carl Rennhack Premium Member 12 months ago
LGBTQ—Let’s Get BOTH To Quit! I mean Joe Trump & Don Biden!
Thomas R. Williams 12 months ago
At least the little worm can still read his wee book.
T... 12 months ago
Che Guevara look a like…
Zebrastripes 12 months ago
There’s no end to the madness that’s gripped some politicians! Thinking they’re GOD! ☹️
Hate to inform, but It doesn’t work that way….
davewhamond creator 12 months ago
They also banned the Thesaurus. I’m outraged, incensed, infuriated, enraged and angry!
B UTTONS 12 months ago
Welcome to _a__ahassee, F_orida
Mike Baldwin creator 12 months ago
What happens when your banned-ana is tied too tight.
Wendy Emlinger Premium Member 12 months ago
Guess Florida wants to keep its title of ‘Worst Education System in the 50 states." They were bad when I was a kid in the 60s and, from the sounds of things, they haven’t changed one bit in the last 60 years.
Free Radical 12 months ago
the christian nationalist extremists will not stop until there is only one textbook for all subjects in school
Melki Premium Member 12 months ago
Yet they continually vote for an S.O.B.
banjoAhhh! 12 months ago
Mr. Wiggly: He’s in the 1st panel by the end of the log reading “The Daily Worm” newspaper.
Withan 11 months ago
There’s no book banning. They were removed from elementary school libraries. No books were burned. Nobody is arrested for having these books or selling them off of school grounds.
The ones comparing this to the NAZIs are the most ignorant. The NAZIs removed books from all stores and libraries that were of a Jewish nature, or were against the strictures of National Socialism. The works of Mahler and other Jewish composers, artists or authors were banned and burned.
You can go buy your kid any of the “banned” books on Amazon or your local book store, or for that matter, your public library. Your kid can probably bring it to school without any consequences, either.
And some of you fainting over these “bannings” are the same ones that would drag the school board into court if their were a bible on the shelves or in a teacher’s purse. Is it just that the left is angry that they aren’t the ones that always get to choose what is on the shelves with impunity? Would you want Mein Kampf in a middle school library? How about books by Rush Limbaugh?
Several of the books in question were read aloud by a black pastor in a different school board meeting, until he was arrested for public lewdness and dragged out for refusing to stop. Before he was cuffed, he asked why the book could be checked out by a 3rd grader from the school library but he couldn’t read from it.