..and all this time I thought it was just our little town’s High School marching band that “call up” 8th graders to enlarge the band for parades in northern California..
The year I was old enough to learn an instrument was also when we lived in a town so tiny that every kid from that age on up played in the band. Also every kid had a chance to be in the senior play, and every high school boy was on at least one sports team. It was so rural that most kids left school as soon as was legal (grade 8, at the time) to help support their family.
RadioDial Premium Member 11 months ago
..and all this time I thought it was just our little town’s High School marching band that “call up” 8th graders to enlarge the band for parades in northern California..
harebell 11 months ago
The year I was old enough to learn an instrument was also when we lived in a town so tiny that every kid from that age on up played in the band. Also every kid had a chance to be in the senior play, and every high school boy was on at least one sports team. It was so rural that most kids left school as soon as was legal (grade 8, at the time) to help support their family.
darcyandsimon 11 months ago
Panel 7!!! (choke!)
ars731 11 months ago
I guess Senor Harold Hill came by that year