A man once had a nightmare so terrifying that he chewed his pillow to bits. The next morning, someone asked him how he was feeling, and he replied: “A little down in the mouth”.
There’s nothing like a good joke, and that was nothing like a good joke.
My husband is a loud snorer. When we first got married it bothered me…until I read a letter on Dear Abby. A woman wrote saying that for years her husband’s snoring bothered her…until he died. “Now” she would give anything for the chance to hear it again. Suddenly my husband’s snoring wasn’t that bad. We’ve been married for 38 years and I sleep better hearing it (which I only do 3 nights a week as he’s a 3rd-shifter).
My family was visiting relatives in another state and my dad and I were sharing a Motel room. His loud snoring was really messing with my sleep, so several times that night, I swatted him with my pillow and then immediately acted like I was asleep. The next morning at breakfast, dad said “I had a weird night last night…” ㋡
suv2000 10 months ago
She was talking in your sleep you just weren’t listening
Purple People Eater 10 months ago
A man once had a nightmare so terrifying that he chewed his pillow to bits. The next morning, someone asked him how he was feeling, and he replied: “A little down in the mouth”.
There’s nothing like a good joke, and that was nothing like a good joke.
Lady loves a joke 10 months ago
♪ I hear the secrets that you keep, when you’re talking in your sleep ♪
Wren Fahel 10 months ago
My husband is a loud snorer. When we first got married it bothered me…until I read a letter on Dear Abby. A woman wrote saying that for years her husband’s snoring bothered her…until he died. “Now” she would give anything for the chance to hear it again. Suddenly my husband’s snoring wasn’t that bad. We’ve been married for 38 years and I sleep better hearing it (which I only do 3 nights a week as he’s a 3rd-shifter).
ChessPirate 10 months ago
My funny snoring story (true!):
My family was visiting relatives in another state and my dad and I were sharing a Motel room. His loud snoring was really messing with my sleep, so several times that night, I swatted him with my pillow and then immediately acted like I was asleep. The next morning at breakfast, dad said “I had a weird night last night…” ㋡
ladykat Premium Member 10 months ago
Yes, Roger, that is why.
GKBOWOOD Premium Member 10 months ago
Now we know why Roger’s nose is always pushed up!
andersjg Premium Member 10 months ago
Roger is a bit stuffed up this morning.
Angry Indeed Premium Member 10 months ago
And here, all this time, I though sleep apnea was a threat!
Fennec! at the Disco 9 months ago
Ah Roger! Clueless as ever.
Otis Rufus Driftwood 9 months ago
My dad says he once stayed awake all night to see if he snored, and he didn’t snore once.