Can’t quite make out the nameplate; is that Sgt. Lazenby? Virgil is not too vigilant for penguin rights!
This was back in the 80s. Cops dress much better these days!
Should have called PETA.
Must be either the Detroit or Chicago police departments.
Why didn’t Opus tell them that the madman is none other than Steve Dallas, the lawyer for the defense?
No mention of the chair and the axe. Probably not important.
SPOILER ALERT . . . Send in the “Twinkies & Ding Dongs”, they’ll save the day. Oh! Wait a minute, that don’t happen for two more strips.
I think I saw this same thing on “48”
Berkeley Breathed
Sisyphos almost 13 years ago
Can’t quite make out the nameplate; is that Sgt. Lazenby? Virgil is not too vigilant for penguin rights!
thirdguy almost 13 years ago
This was back in the 80s. Cops dress much better these days!
MrSulusBrain almost 13 years ago
Should have called PETA.
zoidknight almost 13 years ago
Must be either the Detroit or Chicago police departments.
Sir Osis of Liver almost 13 years ago
Why didn’t Opus tell them that the madman is none other than Steve Dallas, the lawyer for the defense?
Vonne Anton almost 13 years ago
No mention of the chair and the axe. Probably not important.
sonnygreen almost 13 years ago
SPOILER ALERT . . . Send in the “Twinkies & Ding Dongs”, they’ll save the day. Oh! Wait a minute, that don’t happen for two more strips.
Cardboard Cutout almost 13 years ago
I think I saw this same thing on “48” Premium Member almost 13 years ago