Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for June 14, 2013

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    Burnside217  almost 12 years ago

    Far Side!

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    wrwallaceii  almost 12 years ago

    Hey, Stallone did a comedy “Oscar” lots of dialog and great laughs too
 and nary a mouse.

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  3. Croparcs070707
    rayannina  almost 12 years ago

    She could’ve sold him on the movie version of “Sophie’s Choice.” Just by saying “Meryl Streep takes her top off.”

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  4. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 12 years ago

    Casablanca is set in a fur’n place, and it’s got fur’n people in it
.But it’s one of my favorite films!

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  5. Ktf 2 12 2023 1
    Wren Fahel  almost 12 years ago

    Do I have to turn in my “chick” card, because I like Stallone and Chuck Norris movies (saw “Expendables 2” recently; fun!) and don’t like Nicholas Sparks movies?

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    goprendek  almost 12 years ago

    it is an american movie starring humphry bogart. he owns a bar in casablanca

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    artybee  almost 12 years ago

    I thought Expendables 2 was computer-generated, including the actors,

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    greenbird  almost 12 years ago

    Did Breathed purposely misspell Mickey Mouse to avoid a lawsuit from Disney?

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    SuperZero42  almost 12 years ago

    Secret of NIMH and American Tail are classics. Love ‘em. And, Steve, Casablanca isn’t a foreign flick. That being said, curling up with a good book to read is always preferable to watching a movie, albeit an option no one ever chooses.

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  10. Redfoxava
    reynard61  almost 12 years ago

    @ Bruno Zeigerts: I’ve seen the sequel. Yes, BIG-time suckage. Avoid if you value your love of the animator’s art.

    BluePumpkin: “(
)why ruin a good thing?”

    Because MGM thought that they could make more money by doing so. (Needless to say, it did not end well

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    JLG Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Heh. Ironic that American animation is being declared to be “in a rut” here, considering that in hindsight the late 80s are now thought of as the beginning of what’s come to be called the Renaissance, or the Second Golden Age depending on who you talk to.

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