Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for March 16, 2024

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    strictures  about 1 year ago

    Exactly what could she endorse that anyone cares about?

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    Ellis97  about 1 year ago

    Celebrity endorsements, huh? Go figure.

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    jagedlo  about 1 year ago

    I just hope she’s ready to play for smaller crowds than the ones that attend her current games…

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member about 1 year ago

    All of her records and accomplishments, as great as they are, will have to have an asterisk next to them.

    I have gay relatives, and I love them as much as anybody I have ever loved.

    But I draw the line at a man transitioning to be a woman playing in athletic contests against women.

    Biology IS biology, and, men have a different skeletal and muscle structure than women.

    This, IMHO, gives men an advantage over women when they compete against each other in sports, especially those requiring muscle mass and strength.

    I have discussed this with my oldest granddaughter, who is non binary, and currently attending Simmons.

    She is torn by it. She wants Caitlin to be able to play on the women’s basketball team, but also sees how it can be unfair for Caitlin to play against other women in high school and college sports.

    For those wondering, she finally decided to support Caitlin, which is fine with me.

    We still live in a free country, I think…

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    ra.peinertjr.md  about 1 year ago


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    gmu328  about 1 year ago

    Caitlin and all other college player have to pay taxes on their NIL, however the NCAA and the colleges pay no taxes on their earnings from TV and the likes. Maybe we should start taxing the earnings from sport programs at the university and the NCAA.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  12 months ago

    And tomorrow she’ll blow out her meniscus….

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