As I remember in 1968, a week after the King assassination, there was a lunar eclipse on Good Friday. I’ve already mentioned that Wednesday, 5 June remains burned in my mind, and RFK Jr isn’t helping making it better.
Today is Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday, if you prefer.
On this day we remember the Last Supper which was a celebration of the Passover. This year, due to a quirk in the calendar Passover is not near Easter as it usually is.
Passover is the celebration of the Jews Exodus from Egypt. An important part of the celebration is the seder or dinner where the history is recalled and children are educated. It is intended to be a family celebration, especially an extended family celebration. In some congregations, it is also a community celebration
We know that Jesus’ mother, Mary, was in town with him as well as some of the other women in his following. Were they also present at the Last Supper? Were there children at the last supper and did they steal the afikomen and hide it and bargain with Jesus to get it back?. Leonardo da Vinci didn’t think so.
FreyjaRN Premium Member 10 months ago
I wish they didn’t have to die for freedom. Alas, “The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
VegaAlopex 10 months ago
As I remember in 1968, a week after the King assassination, there was a lunar eclipse on Good Friday. I’ve already mentioned that Wednesday, 5 June remains burned in my mind, and RFK Jr isn’t helping making it better.
dflak 10 months ago
Today is Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday, if you prefer.
On this day we remember the Last Supper which was a celebration of the Passover. This year, due to a quirk in the calendar Passover is not near Easter as it usually is.
Passover is the celebration of the Jews Exodus from Egypt. An important part of the celebration is the seder or dinner where the history is recalled and children are educated. It is intended to be a family celebration, especially an extended family celebration. In some congregations, it is also a community celebration
We know that Jesus’ mother, Mary, was in town with him as well as some of the other women in his following. Were they also present at the Last Supper? Were there children at the last supper and did they steal the afikomen and hide it and bargain with Jesus to get it back?. Leonardo da Vinci didn’t think so.