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Rib Eye Steak and Eggs(your choice)
Pancakes with choice of fruit toppings and/or syrup.
Quickee egg sandwiches with ham, sausage of bacon
Hash Brown Cassarole
Potatoe Cakes
Fresh sliced asst fruit
Asst Flavored teas
Cinnimon buns, muffins and bagels w/cream cheese
Texas or Wheat toast
Johanan’a CocoMocha
White or chocolate milk
Chocolate Cake
Doc’s World Famous Nuclear Coffee
Bloody Marys
Tabasco Sauce
LONEWOLF I’ll take one of what WOODEYE is having and one Of what Little Sister* is enjoying (who was right about the comic.) Could I also have a heart pill and some insulin?
Morning TRIBE! It’s a beautiful day. My computer hasn’t malfunctioned YET.
Got to start getting ready for Church as James is singing in the choir today.
Got to get some Nuclear Coffee, get the dogs out, get some more coffee, get ready, get some more coffee and then get a move on with the day!
EMET, in addition to the Cowboys, I’ll be cheering for the Panthers and Packers this week. I loathe the Cowboys divisional rivals almost as much as you loathe the Pack.
♠Lonewolf♠, My locals don’t have anything oposite the the Texans game. Fortunately I have the Sunday Ticket, so that I don’t have to watch that game. I may be scarce at the twelve o’clock hour - at least until tonight.
I used to like the Broncos, too. Then they changed their uniforms and shortly thereafter Elway retired. No more Orange Crush, no more Elway, no more Broncos.
Hello all very tired today though verily made it to church. We did get to State fair parked on main street close to firestation. Was a new minutes late, had to get situation with CR but was hopping. Day was odd. fire alarm went off several times, hubby noted sprinklers didn’t go off, computerized voice said leave building. Workers of building called in State Troupers determined ones cooking set alams off, so turned off A/C and it got very warm people and vendor’s sweated, then bro/n/law told a vendor lower mike down as vendor doing cooking dismostrations with pots could be heard all over building, customers complained, then different vendors thanked bro for telling them the offending vendor too loud. Left fair at 8pm. Tiring but fun. Made a few mistakes with money.
Hello again won’t be on to long going out to eat to tired to cook. jarlyddie your not the only one I don’t like football either. Also are you a student? Me I’m maybe older then your parent’s since my two will soon be 25 and 28. I’m going back to Jr. college to study for Medical Encoding & Billing and if that fails Medical Transcription. I have books got online used one has been marked on and I found already from first two chapters to small mistakes. Medical has been written in.
Lonewolf my son’s name happen’s be be James.
Tried to hook up to ESPN 3 yesterday as it’s offered free to COX internet customers but found it won’t work over wireless networks with laptops. Will have to hard wire to router to watch it. It offers more foreign sports and I’m hopeing that might include rugby.
jarlyddie that’s cool if you don’t like football. As for myself, well I am raised in a family that loves the NFL, which includes us females - my aunts, grandmother, and cousins all love watching the games.
Hello I’m back for a little while. Lonewolf as our son’s name James he has his dad’s middle name (secret) it was his dad’s idea for that name as part of family tree. Me , no offense here, I would like a unique different name, but our son follows tradition. At least your son stays busy with sports. Gosh I’m so tired having trouble thinking and typing.
Little Sister your avator did you create that?
Mean time had fun and I didn’t get to see much of fair. Soon as we got in started working. It will be worse last weekend or Sat. State fair ends next Sunday and bro-in-law”s brother and wife will be there for that.
We have to be at our church next Sunday evening they want to change bi-laws so want members to hear propose plan then vote later.
I guess I’m gonna leave go for a little while. I need to work on medical book on terms. Class has starts in Oct and I don’t read fast this gives me time to absorb for others will be faster on reading.
LuvH8 - After seeing kitty I figured that was who you were for. Close to the end of the 3ed quarter the were only behind by 1, 16 to 17. But like Little Sister said, you don’t want to know the score now.
pant pant pant, humongous push brings a huge covered vat into the *BT*. Fortunately it is on wheels
Aaarrrgg. It’s heavy. But here it is, Tribe, homemade vanilla pudding, still warm, with assorted fruit sauces, chocolate sauce, butterscotch and caramel.
Hi tribe Oh Quaby, we have been at a 25th anniversary celebration this p.m. and I can’t have even a TASTE of your pudding at this time…I hope others will have some…Can you save me a bowl in the fridge?
OUR USA TEAM WON THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP IN BASKETBALL TODAY!! The Naismith Trophy comes back to US for first time in 16 years!! Cheer!
Quaby thanks for vanilla pudding I won’t break out on that. Lets see is there some sorta of nuts I can add and strawberry’s. I know there are sauces.
I looked yesterday’ comments and for me and hubby neither of us smoke. Hubby’s brother been deceased smoke for 30+ years, he and wife where smoking when we where first married, Until about 5 years prior to death of lung cancer short term he had to quit. His wife quit soon after.
My dad smoked until his first heart attache before 62 and he quit cold. Mom never did but gave him a hard time about his side always smoking. Sister and I never did.
My kids don’t, my daughter thinks she’s allergic to people smoking, her guy doesn’t smoke.
Good evening bmonk, Sojo, Kab, Little Sister, Luv, (dont want to say H8) Saucy..Good name, Doc Toon, Emet, Frankr, and all
LoneWolf it’s too late to ask for any service but if you still have some whole wheat toast around, point me to it and I’ll make some hot tea to go with it but will need some milk to slosh in the tea.
Little Sister that’s great. Quaby thanks for strawberry’s I asked for. Not sure what I said about ears. Just copy & paste my comment. I admit I sleepy and tired. Remind me what I was asking about? I been busy with text book typing. Trying to gain ground before class time so if instructor say okay I’m fine otherwise trouble.
Kab you were talking about learning medical terminology. I’m an audiologist, so can help with medical terms related to ears and hearing, but not sure about other parts of the body (at least below the neck).
good early evening Tribe
time for catch up, again. nice to see visits from some of the other irregulars, like bmonk & saucy. makes me feel better about my own inconsistency. couple of notes on things i’ve been catching up on. DocT & bmonk posted same link to nuclear coffee vs. koolaid cartoon, but even my koolaid couldn’t compete with the nuclear coffee (which is why i switched). btw, FB app says my superpower should be super strength.
Quaby if there’s any pudding left, i’d love some with raspberry sauce on it - though i’d also settle for caramel sauce.
oh, and LuvH8, i was wondering if you knew what the clone’s complaint was. answer will be posted later on. time to tour toonville. lastly, thanks to celecca for the link to Dog Eat Doug earlier today. a funny installment of a strip i normally don’t read.
apologies for the novella.
hello to Grog, Sojo, Lonewolf (glad you liked the pics of the Packard) hopeandjoy2, Li’lSis, LuvH8, & Shika.
by irregular, i mean “other than every day,” that’s all. still touring. my ARRRRRRGH!os got beat again this week and have dropped to 3rd out of 4 teams in their division. at least my niece’s soccer team made the final (though they, too, lost).
♠Lonewolf♠, my calendar is not limited to Cowboy games, but I also don’t like to miss Bears/Packers, Packers/Vikes and certain AFC rivalries.
Since it became all the rage in the 80’s I have not found anything appealing about fantasy football, baseball or hockey. I just like trying to pick the games.
Grog, what I meant by being a statistical nut was that I have done statistics for two different companies. Working for them, I have to care about statistics.
Saucy1121 back for a little bit, that would be cool then. I’ve been typing, told hubby keyboard a little rough he doesn’t noice much. I’ve about ready to wind up on chapter 2 working on suffixes and prefixes. How did you remember all medical terms?
Little Sister glad you had help with stampede. Curious was it photob you found on?
Back to typing soon I will need to stop. Took sorta break told neighbor’s about our son’s car window and theft. (Just in case someone don’t know who during night didn’t jimmy window broke it on driver’s side stole sterio/radio out) neighbor’s noticed it wondered by window was down told them what happened.
Saucy1121 do you remember if a disc came with your language of medicine? one is with this book.
I know I have to wait for instrutor.
Little Sister here I missed out on all the fun:(
Well have a great day at class tomorrow and work.
I remember watching a game several years ago where a team was behind 3 to 21 with less than 2 min. left in the 1st half. They went into the locker room at halftime ahead having scored 3 touchdowns in less than 2 min.
I think they intercepted a pass and scored, recovered a fumble on kickoff and ran it in for a second score, then on the first play after the next kickoff recovered another fumble for a score. 3 touchdowns in a little over a min. of play!
I’m getting ready to good night to. wow text is pretty technical.
Both sisters I have family when growing up that where and still is major football fans. Us three in our family it didn’t rub off on us. Since my sister been married her hubby likes football espically KCC. I have to endure cause my mom doesn’t really have a room I can read in quitely.
Good night all need to see if I can sleep.
I hope all this studying ahead of time pays off. Since there is so much technical language maybe flashcards might help? Then you could go through them, put aside the ones you got right then study the wrong ones go through them and repeat a few more times??? I don’t know. Just an idea, index cards aren’t that expensive, especially at dollar store.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good Morning, Tribe
Breakfast Menu:
Rib Eye Steak and Eggs(your choice) Pancakes with choice of fruit toppings and/or syrup. Quickee egg sandwiches with ham, sausage of bacon Hash Brown Cassarole Potatoe Cakes Fresh sliced asst fruit Asst Flavored teas Cinnimon buns, muffins and bagels w/cream cheese Texas or Wheat toast Johanan’a CocoMocha White or chocolate milk Chocolate Cake Doc’s World Famous Nuclear Coffee Bloody Marys Pepsi/Coke Tabasco Sauce
Enjoy Everyone
WoodEye over 14 years ago
I’ve been gone so long I’m really hungry. I’ll have some of everything!
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Such good choices Big Brother I’ll have one of everything as well. Just not the bloody mary.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
LOL! this comic is hilarious today
(Uncontrollable laughter) HAAA! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, haaaa! :-))
Hello and good morning everyone.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Good Morning, ♠Lonewolf♠, Woodeye & Little Sister.
I think I’ll have the quicky egg sandwich with ham, sausage and bacon. After all its only virtual cholesterol & sat fats.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good Morning, Grog, Woodeye & LW!
Welcome back, Woodeye!
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
All orders are up and waiting! Enjoy……
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Good stuff Big Brother I hope you and all the sports fans enjoy the football games.
Frankr over 14 years ago
WOODEYE! Long time no see!
Morning LittleSister, Grog, great menu Lonewolf!!
Gimme just a big platter of potato cakes and a bucket of Doc’s coffee (an unobtainium bucket, of course)
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Ladywolf - - Aren’t you going to watch any games?
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Remember Big Brother I’m not LW anymore. She’s dead.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
yes I am.
Rakkav over 14 years ago
Dusty, Ginger was waaaaaaaaaaay too good for you, and her son was just the comeuppance you needed.
On my way to bed, Tribe!
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good Morning, Frankr & Johanan.
Your order is ready, Frankr.
Johanan, your CocoaMocha is there also.
Frankr over 14 years ago
G’nite Rakkav
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Sleep well, Johanan
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Lil Sister, I’ll always know you as LW.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Morning, Frankr
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Gunite, all Enjoy the games.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good Night, Grog.
I too, am calling it a night/morning.
Good Night Tribesters!
lewisbower over 14 years ago
LONEWOLF I’ll take one of what WOODEYE is having and one Of what Little Sister* is enjoying (who was right about the comic.) Could I also have a heart pill and some insulin?
Morning TRIBE! It’s a beautiful day. My computer hasn’t malfunctioned YET.
jarlyddie over 14 years ago
Hi guys! sorry i missed yesterday– long story. I’ll have 2 cinnamon buns (the minis,) some sausage and a hot chocolate (NOT COCO-MOCHA.)
jarlyddie over 14 years ago
This comic makes me wish LuvH8 was here. XD heheheh.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good Morning, Tribe!
Hello, Lewreader, Jarlyddie & LSU
Your orders are up. Enjoy!
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Got to start getting ready for Church as James is singing in the choir today. Got to get some Nuclear Coffee, get the dogs out, get some more coffee, get ready, get some more coffee and then get a move on with the day!
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Good Morning, Lewreader, EMET, jarlyddie & ♠Lonewolf♠!
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
EMET, in addition to the Cowboys, I’ll be cheering for the Panthers and Packers this week. I loathe the Cowboys divisional rivals almost as much as you loathe the Pack.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Good Morning, Doctor Toon
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good Morning, Grog & Doc
Bears, Steelers & the Cowboys for me. Used to be the Broncos too, but not with the new coach AND Orton!
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
I wonder if the Lions have improved any over last year. They play the hated Eagles next week.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
They play Da Bears today, Grog.
I wonder how Kolb will do for the Eagles. I have him on two fantasy teams and I am not feeling easy about it.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Yup, I have the schedule right in front of me ♠Lonewolf♠. If the Panthers/Giants game heads south, I’ll probably tune in to that one.
Denver’s playing in Jacksonville this week, Doctor Toon. They’re usually tough at home.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
I get the Lions/Bears at noon on one channel, the other noon game says TBA, Packers/ Eagles at 3 and the Boys/Redskins tonight. I love it!!!
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Got to get to Church, Grog. I’ll catch y’all when I get back. James and I have all the fixin’s ready for the games.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
♠Lonewolf♠, My locals don’t have anything oposite the the Texans game. Fortunately I have the Sunday Ticket, so that I don’t have to watch that game. I may be scarce at the twelve o’clock hour - at least until tonight.
MontanaLady over 14 years ago
Good morning, Tribe…
LW, I’ll just have the Nuclear Coffee. Just got up and not hungry yet. Stayed up real late stargazing. the sky was SOOOOOOO clear last night!
I used to be a staunch Bronco’s fan…..during John Elway’s tenure…….but they never got the spark after he left, did they?
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Good Morning, MontanaLady
I used to like the Broncos, too. Then they changed their uniforms and shortly thereafter Elway retired. No more Orange Crush, no more Elway, no more Broncos.
kab2rb over 14 years ago
Hello all very tired today though verily made it to church. We did get to State fair parked on main street close to firestation. Was a new minutes late, had to get situation with CR but was hopping. Day was odd. fire alarm went off several times, hubby noted sprinklers didn’t go off, computerized voice said leave building. Workers of building called in State Troupers determined ones cooking set alams off, so turned off A/C and it got very warm people and vendor’s sweated, then bro/n/law told a vendor lower mike down as vendor doing cooking dismostrations with pots could be heard all over building, customers complained, then different vendors thanked bro for telling them the offending vendor too loud. Left fair at 8pm. Tiring but fun. Made a few mistakes with money.
jarlyddie over 14 years ago
this is all so confusing, but i guess its cuz i dont like football.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
≡≡ P O P ! ≡≡ ♪☼ Hello TRIBE! ☼♪
Hello to all those here!
I’ll hava a Rib Eye Steak and Eggs over medium with Hash Brown Cassarole .
kab2rb over 14 years ago
Hello again won’t be on to long going out to eat to tired to cook. jarlyddie your not the only one I don’t like football either. Also are you a student? Me I’m maybe older then your parent’s since my two will soon be 25 and 28. I’m going back to Jr. college to study for Medical Encoding & Billing and if that fails Medical Transcription. I have books got online used one has been marked on and I found already from first two chapters to small mistakes. Medical has been written in. Lonewolf my son’s name happen’s be be James.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Hi Kab.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Back home, mowed the back yard and made it to the boob tube for the Bears kick-off! What timing!!
Good afternoon, Kab, MontanaLady, Sojo & Jarlyddie!
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Kab, that’s cool with your son’s name being James also! :^)
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Hi ♠Lonewolf♠ - What timing YES!
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Hello everyone.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
I’m watching my Broncos play the Jaguars.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
I’m also keeping tabs on my Big Sisters team the Carolina Panthers as they play the NY Giants.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Hi, LS.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Hi Little Sister - I’m mainly watching Panthers/Giants but may watch some golf. Waiting for Green Bay to play.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Tried to hook up to ESPN 3 yesterday as it’s offered free to COX internet customers but found it won’t work over wireless networks with laptops. Will have to hard wire to router to watch it. It offers more foreign sports and I’m hopeing that might include rugby.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
I have seen rugby. Now that is a dangerous game to play.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
jarlyddie that’s cool if you don’t like football. As for myself, well I am raised in a family that loves the NFL, which includes us females - my aunts, grandmother, and cousins all love watching the games.
Plods with ...™ over 14 years ago
Rugby players eat their dead.
Poof!LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
LOL! That was a good one RWB :-))
Frankr over 14 years ago
@Jarlyddie: I don’t like football too.
@ LittleSister: I love the new avatar!
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
I like your avatar as well Frankr :-)
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Good to see you pop in RwB - LOL
Hi Frankr.
kab2rb over 14 years ago
Hello I’m back for a little while. Lonewolf as our son’s name James he has his dad’s middle name (secret) it was his dad’s idea for that name as part of family tree. Me , no offense here, I would like a unique different name, but our son follows tradition. At least your son stays busy with sports. Gosh I’m so tired having trouble thinking and typing.
Little Sister your avator did you create that? Mean time had fun and I didn’t get to see much of fair. Soon as we got in started working. It will be worse last weekend or Sat. State fair ends next Sunday and bro-in-law”s brother and wife will be there for that. We have to be at our church next Sunday evening they want to change bi-laws so want members to hear propose plan then vote later.
I guess I’m gonna leave go for a little while. I need to work on medical book on terms. Class has starts in Oct and I don’t read fast this gives me time to absorb for others will be faster on reading.
kab2rb over 14 years ago
Oh Frankr where did you get your avator?
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Sister Kab I found it online while searching for something the other day.
Frankr over 14 years ago
Kab: I drew that picture, and I drew this one too.
MontanaLady over 14 years ago
Frankr such talent!!!!
Kab, I admire you for going back to school….!!
and, Lonewolf, neither of our son’s names is James. :)) (congrats on his winning)
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Hi MontanaLady - Hope your having a great day!
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Lightning causing game suspension. WAAAAAAAAA!
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Hey! Am I allowed to pout?
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Of course!
Plods with ...™ over 14 years ago
For a minute Lil Sis
Poof!Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
What? They let a little thing like lightening stop them?
Ummm…. how is/was my game? It is not one of the games I could watch today.
) :Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Big Sister You don’t want to know right now.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Hi LuvH8 - Who were you for?
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
They are still playing.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Well I’m not happy either.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Yay! my game is back on, but boo! My team is trailing.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Well shoot!
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Sojo, I cheer for the Panthers. They have cool uniform colors and of course Kitty is a panther.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
LuvH8 - After seeing kitty I figured that was who you were for. Close to the end of the 3ed quarter the were only behind by 1, 16 to 17. But like Little Sister said, you don’t want to know the score now.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
♠Lonewolf♠ must be happy! The Bears won!
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
How could the third quarter be Panthers 0 Ants 10??? They cheated!! One of the refs is married to someone’s sister!!!
George Arnold over 14 years ago
I messed up my post but have fixed it. The game just finished and the Panthers lost. :-(
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good afternoon friends!
Yes, I’m in a good mood. Da Bears!
MontanaLady, that’s ok. Our daughters aren’t named James either! :^)
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
What a disappointing end.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
My Broncos lost too!
Stupid quarterback!
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
(starts crying and sniffling)
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Bad day for us Sisters.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
That’s why we got rid of that quarterback, LS.
Frankr over 14 years ago
I don’t understand. You paid 25 cents for the game and now you want your quarter back??
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Next week how about letting us women win? Hmmm! okay!
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
I will just have the chocolate cake and milk.
Poof!LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
I will just have me a chocolate fudge Sundae.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Ask and you shall receive! Afternoon orders welcome on Sundays.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Oh no! Next weeks going to be war as Grog’s team battles Lonewolf’s team.
Quabaculta over 14 years ago
Huff Puff pull, push, yank
Been busy this afternoon Tribe
*huff, puff push Push PUSH PUSH *
Stirring and tasting and smiling.
pant pant pant, humongous push brings a huge covered vat into the *BT*. Fortunately it is on wheels
Aaarrrgg. It’s heavy. But here it is, Tribe, homemade vanilla pudding, still warm, with assorted fruit sauces, chocolate sauce, butterscotch and caramel.
removes lid, waves a ladle and holds a bowl
Who’s first???
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
What will be left of the Big Top?
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
MMM! Yummy Yummy! Quaby :-)
Quabaculta over 14 years ago
Why thank you pretty lady what kind of sauce?
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Thanks Quaby, I’ll have some of the vanilla pudding with butterscoth sauce, smells and looks great!
hopeandjoy2 over 14 years ago
Hi tribe Oh Quaby, we have been at a 25th anniversary celebration this p.m. and I can’t have even a TASTE of your pudding at this time…I hope others will have some…Can you save me a bowl in the fridge?
OUR USA TEAM WON THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP IN BASKETBALL TODAY!! The Naismith Trophy comes back to US for first time in 16 years!! Cheer!
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Hi Hopeandjoy2 - Thanks for the news.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
I like all the sauces, but it’s been awhile since I had butterscotch so I’ll have that.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Hi, Sojo, Hopeandjoy2 & Quaby!
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
I saw that earlier, too, Hopeandjoy! WooHoo!
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
I forgot that Chicago & Dallas play each other next week.
kab2rb over 14 years ago
Quaby thanks for vanilla pudding I won’t break out on that. Lets see is there some sorta of nuts I can add and strawberry’s. I know there are sauces.
I looked yesterday’ comments and for me and hubby neither of us smoke. Hubby’s brother been deceased smoke for 30+ years, he and wife where smoking when we where first married, Until about 5 years prior to death of lung cancer short term he had to quit. His wife quit soon after. My dad smoked until his first heart attache before 62 and he quit cold. Mom never did but gave him a hard time about his side always smoking. Sister and I never did. My kids don’t, my daughter thinks she’s allergic to people smoking, her guy doesn’t smoke.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Hear that Tribe! What ever damages happen to the Big Top next week, will not be my fault or my Big Sisters fault.
We are innocent, and have been innocent. It’s the NFL’s fault.George Arnold over 14 years ago
That almost sounds like a pre-alibi for something they might do.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
What could we do that hasn’t already been done?
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Oh never mind! I have an idea.
Saucy1121 Premium Member over 14 years ago
Happy Sunday, Tribe.
Kab I may be able to help if you have questions regarding ears. Not sure about other things though.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Saucy - Good to see you.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Oh hello Saucy1121
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Be right back.
bmonk over 14 years ago
I hope someone told DocT where his Nuclear Coffee has gotten off to.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Hi bmonk - Good afternoon to you also.
Quabaculta over 14 years ago
Huff Puff
Sorry about that, had to visit that place which causes people to scream TMI while covering their ears and closing their eyes.
Little Sister & Sojourner Vanilla pudding with butterscotch in the window. Kab, found some strawberries for yours.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Thank you Quaby - Tastes great!
hopeandjoy2 over 14 years ago
Good evening bmonk, Sojo, Kab, Little Sister, Luv, (dont want to say H8) Saucy..Good name, Doc Toon, Emet, Frankr, and all
LoneWolf it’s too late to ask for any service but if you still have some whole wheat toast around, point me to it and I’ll make some hot tea to go with it but will need some milk to slosh in the tea.
Frankr over 14 years ago
Hi Sojo, Kab, LuvH8, LilSis, Lonewolf, H&J2.
Yipee! Homemade vanilla pudding!! with butterscotch sauce. Forget those Sunday sundaes, I’ll have pudding!
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Hi, Bmonk & Saucy!
Hi, Frankr
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Hopeandjoy2, you’re more than welcome. There is plenty left for anyone who wants some!
bmonk over 14 years ago
Arrrgh! Must go soonest!
Bamf!Quabaculta over 14 years ago
All right, Little Sister, no more pudding for you. i didn’t realize I had that much sugar in it!!
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Somebody grab a net and catch her next time she falls from the ceiling!
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
It wasn’t the sugar, it was my curiosity…….Honest!
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Reminds me of whats going on at 2C&C.
kab2rb over 14 years ago
Little Sister that’s great. Quaby thanks for strawberry’s I asked for. Not sure what I said about ears. Just copy & paste my comment. I admit I sleepy and tired. Remind me what I was asking about? I been busy with text book typing. Trying to gain ground before class time so if instructor say okay I’m fine otherwise trouble.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
You mean about the cattle stampede………Oh this is much more worst. So How do I get rid of them?
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
If they keep filling up the Big Top, then there will be some real damage.
My two Sisters will be mad at me that I did this without their supervision.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Raise a side of the tent to let them out! The rest of the world wll have to deal with them.
hopeandjoy2 over 14 years ago
Little Sister Quick, raise up the side of the Big Top and I will help you shoo them out under it!!
hopeandjoy2 over 14 years ago
Sojo is there an echo in here???
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Heavy sides heavy sides!
George Arnold over 14 years ago
I was just suggesting. You and Little Sister can get them out!
hopeandjoy2 over 14 years ago
SoJO, Grog, HELP
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
WOW! you guys are strong…..,.How did you raise the tent?
hopeandjoy2 over 14 years ago
Good for you Little Sister
I think I was the echo although I didn’t know it at the time, SOJO Great minds etc???
hopeandjoy2 over 14 years ago
hopeandjoy2 over 14 years ago
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Thanks for Goku to the rescue - raising the tent side.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
I will never mess with Calvins Transmogrifier box again. I promise you all that.
hopeandjoy2 over 14 years ago
WOW We didn’t need elephants afterall!!
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
What a mess in here? At least there is no big damage.
hopeandjoy2 over 14 years ago
Just a lot of shoe prints and left over cookies. oops and shoes too!!
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Maybe hymenoxis will drop by?
hopeandjoy2 over 14 years ago
Good Thought
HY…..HY….Where are youLittleSister18 over 14 years ago
At least it wasn’t a nuclear mess, just a bad science experiment that I miscalculated.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Green Bay Packers won! :-)
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
They did! I didn’t watch the game.
Frankr over 14 years ago
That stampede knocked over my pudding.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
My fault! I’m sorry Frankr. :-(
Saucy1121 Premium Member over 14 years ago
Kab you were talking about learning medical terminology. I’m an audiologist, so can help with medical terms related to ears and hearing, but not sure about other parts of the body (at least below the neck).
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Poor Hymenoxis, he’s gonna have another mess isn’t he?!
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Well It is my fault so the mess is my responsibility to clean up.
yyyguy over 14 years ago
good early evening Tribe time for catch up, again. nice to see visits from some of the other irregulars, like bmonk & saucy. makes me feel better about my own inconsistency. couple of notes on things i’ve been catching up on. DocT & bmonk posted same link to nuclear coffee vs. koolaid cartoon, but even my koolaid couldn’t compete with the nuclear coffee (which is why i switched). btw, FB app says my superpower should be super strength. Quaby if there’s any pudding left, i’d love some with raspberry sauce on it - though i’d also settle for caramel sauce. oh, and LuvH8, i was wondering if you knew what the clone’s complaint was. answer will be posted later on. time to tour toonville. lastly, thanks to celecca for the link to Dog Eat Doug earlier today. a funny installment of a strip i normally don’t read. apologies for the novella.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Hi yyyguy.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
(Sweep! sweep!)
Watch where you all step. There is some broken plates on the floor.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Hi, Yguy! Good to see you sir.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Goku is still here. He’ll have it cleaned up in no time!!
Shikamoo Premium Member over 14 years ago
Hi yyyguy! Who are you calling irregular???
I’m as regular as they come!
Doc You nuclear coffee migrate to my place occasionally. Makes life interesting.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
(Sweep! Sweep! Scoop! Scoop!)
{Dumps broken plates into trash}
Hello yyyguy. :-)
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good Evening, Shika.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Nice to see you Shikamoo.
hopeandjoy2 over 14 years ago
Hi Yyyguy glad you are back for a while. hi Shika Looks much better, Little Sister I should have helped you.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Good Evening, Tribeandall
Good to see you, yyyguy
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
It’s been a really long time!
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Little Sister, Obi Luv has taught you well. I think I feel the power of the dark side.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Hi Grog.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good Evening, Grog.
Great first week of football!
I don’t need to ask what you are watching!!! LOL
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
♠Lonewolf♠, I knew about next week’s matchup already.
EMET, tought break, but I’m glad the Pack beat the hated Eagels for the first time since the early 60’s in the City of Brotherly Loathing.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Hello, Sojourner, & ♠Lonewolf♠
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
I hadn’t looked past the first week this year, Grog.
yyyguy over 14 years ago
hello to Grog, Sojo, Lonewolf (glad you liked the pics of the Packard) hopeandjoy2, Li’lSis, LuvH8, & Shika. by irregular, i mean “other than every day,” that’s all. still touring. my ARRRRRRGH!os got beat again this week and have dropped to 3rd out of 4 teams in their division. at least my niece’s soccer team made the final (though they, too, lost).
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
♠Lonewolf♠, there are certain divisional rivalry games I’ve put in my calendar to ensure I don’t miss them
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Grog, I’m the same way with the Bears usually, but other than setting up some fantasy teams, I haven’t had as much time to get my schedule set yet.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
♠Lonewolf♠, my calendar is not limited to Cowboy games, but I also don’t like to miss Bears/Packers, Packers/Vikes and certain AFC rivalries.
Since it became all the rage in the 80’s I have not found anything appealing about fantasy football, baseball or hockey. I just like trying to pick the games.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Grog, I’m a nut about sports and statistics. Probably why I like fantasy football & baseball.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Well I’ve always been a team player and found stats unimportant as long as the team wins.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
A player can be the best player on his team, or league and never make it to the big show.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Too bad Madden retired. I can’t stand Collinsworth.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Power of the dark side…..Cool! :-)
yyyguy over 14 years ago
9:25 pm. time to leave again. but before i go, the answer to the question of what the clone’s complaint was.
I just want to be myself.
see you in the funnies.
yyyguy over 14 years ago
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Hello Grog.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Grog, what I meant by being a statistical nut was that I have done statistics for two different companies. Working for them, I have to care about statistics.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Later, yyyguy
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Yes I am watching the Cowboys and Redskins game.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
I did Stats in University. I hated it.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good Night, Yguy
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Hello Darth Sister
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
“Hee hee!”
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Bye yyyguy.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
By the way, yyyguy, Dog Eat Doug is one of my favorite strips.
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Little Sith Sister,
Why did I have to fight my way through a hoard of you to get into the tent? What have you been up to?
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
I was bad. I found Calvin’s Transmogrifier box and did an experiment, but it went wrong.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Like many of Calvin’s.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Well, that sucks. Couldn’t he just go to the ground?
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
What an ending to the first half!
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Even a Hail Mary pass would have been less dangerous!
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
That was not a good “Choice”
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
I should of waited for you Big Sister to help me out, but my curiosity got the best of me.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Come on Cowboys Don’t you know that Wink and the Chicago Bears are watching you.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Good to see you Doctor Toon.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good one, Grog! LOL
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Hi Doc :-)
kab2rb over 14 years ago
Saucy1121 back for a little bit, that would be cool then. I’ve been typing, told hubby keyboard a little rough he doesn’t noice much. I’ve about ready to wind up on chapter 2 working on suffixes and prefixes. How did you remember all medical terms?
Little Sister glad you had help with stampede. Curious was it photob you found on? Back to typing soon I will need to stop. Took sorta break told neighbor’s about our son’s car window and theft. (Just in case someone don’t know who during night didn’t jimmy window broke it on driver’s side stole sterio/radio out) neighbor’s noticed it wondered by window was down told them what happened.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good evening, Doc.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Doc, I get my sports news from Fox My locals are Houston - oriented. If I want to know about my favorite teams/sports, forget about it.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Yes indeed Sister Kab. :-)
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
It is terrific, Little Sister I am so proud of you causing chaos and mayhem.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Big Sister I thought you would be mad at me and scold me for my carelessness.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
They don’t look too energetic, LuvH8. I’d say they’re all tuckered out.
kab2rb over 14 years ago
Saucy1121 do you remember if a disc came with your language of medicine? one is with this book. I know I have to wait for instrutor. Little Sister here I missed out on all the fun:( Well have a great day at class tomorrow and work.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Sorry folks. I’m gone. I ain’t going to be fun to talk to any more.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Oh come on Grog it’s only a game, Heck my team lost too and so did my Big Sisters, but were here.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Little Sister, Cowboys Redskins is not just a game!
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
It ain’t over till it’s over, Grog. Not even a FG!!
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
I know it’s an age old tradition, I watch it every year.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
The ultimate rivalry and I still believe that the Cowboys can pull it out.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Please Grog don’t leave us.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Have a good evening Grog.
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Is that better?
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
10-0 is still a game yet. I know you have more faith than that!
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
OOOH! Pretty firecracker.
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
I think that Grog left us…..I be sad now :-(
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
This one?
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Well I be sad after I get through laughing at Big Sisters gif
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
I not be sad…….Grog come on back, The game’s only just begun.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
I remember watching a game several years ago where a team was behind 3 to 21 with less than 2 min. left in the 1st half. They went into the locker room at halftime ahead having scored 3 touchdowns in less than 2 min.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
That game sounds awesome Sojo.
George Arnold over 14 years ago
It would of been interesting to hear what the lossing coach had to tell his team at haiftime!
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Their back sides are padded? It is all false advertising?
George Arnold over 14 years ago
I think they intercepted a pass and scored, recovered a fumble on kickoff and ran it in for a second score, then on the first play after the next kickoff recovered another fumble for a score. 3 touchdowns in a little over a min. of play!
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
So the score they show is for the whole game not the current quarter?
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Yes, score is for whole game.
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Yes, total game score or Yes, they wear pads on their bottoms? Maybe they wear diapers in case they have an accident?
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
I’m still watching, but I am getting somewhat bored of the game…….I almost fell asleep
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Is dropping the ball a bad thing?
George Arnold over 14 years ago
That depends on which team drops the ball and which team your for! :-)
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Is it against the rules to douse yourself in something stinky, like Eww De Skunk, so that no one wants to tackle you?
I was thinking. (SCARY!!!) In nude football, instead of wearing the same socks or underwear all season, they could not bath all season!
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Big Sister, nobody would want to see that. Not even me.
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Bouncy! Bouncy! I want to see it!
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
(Uncontrollable giggling)
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Crucial moments now with 11 seconds left.
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
3 seconds./
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Stupid flag!
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Sorry Grog
George Arnold over 14 years ago
Time for my zzzzzz’s. Have a good turnover!
♪☼ P&L ☼♪ ≡≡ POOF! ≡≡
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
G’Night Sojo
LittleSister18 over 14 years ago
Break time.
kab2rb over 14 years ago
I’m getting ready to good night to. wow text is pretty technical. Both sisters I have family when growing up that where and still is major football fans. Us three in our family it didn’t rub off on us. Since my sister been married her hubby likes football espically KCC. I have to endure cause my mom doesn’t really have a room I can read in quitely. Good night all need to see if I can sleep.
Ooops! Premium Member over 14 years ago
Good Night Sister Kab
I hope all this studying ahead of time pays off. Since there is so much technical language maybe flashcards might help? Then you could go through them, put aside the ones you got right then study the wrong ones go through them and repeat a few more times??? I don’t know. Just an idea, index cards aren’t that expensive, especially at dollar store.