Ginger Meggs by Jason Chatfield for April 24, 2024

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    Calvinist1966  10 months ago

    So they go from following the footprints to following Ginger who is much less reliable. I hope that he will turn out to be in the right direction this time.

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    rockyridge1977  10 months ago

    The plot thickens………probably took awhile!!!!!!

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  3. Bead braid p
    I Mad Am I  10 months ago

    “I once felt the need to belong. But I got over it.”

    Different generations have gotten their names from events surrounding their timeline. Children of the WW’s – learned to Survive. People wanted to make many children after the wars… so there was a Boom of Children (Baby Boomers). So many things happened after… we began to name those next generations things like X, Y, Z, Alpha, Beta. Though some call a portion Grunge – because we had to deal with the muck of all the wars, rotten kids of the war kids, and trying to rebuild the planet. The turning of a new century and Millennium got one generation to be named that. But if we went back to calling people by what is going on… I would say we are working on being ourselves. So a good quote to go with the Gingerisim of the strip -

    “Don’t force yourself to fit in where you don’t belong.”

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    dogday Premium Member 10 months ago

    Another adventure!!! YAY!!!!

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