I keep a stack of technical and medical notices beside my phone (I like Polish and Japanese versions the best) to read out in case of cold calls. Works a charm everytime.
We have the best government money can buy, and the purchasers that run phone lines get paid by whomever uses the lines/connections, regardless of the intent of the user. Simple concept, convoluted sentence.
Kwen 8 months ago
I keep a stack of technical and medical notices beside my phone (I like Polish and Japanese versions the best) to read out in case of cold calls. Works a charm everytime.
uniquename 8 months ago
The truth (or TMI) will set you free!
95 8 months ago
We have the best government money can buy, and the purchasers that run phone lines get paid by whomever uses the lines/connections, regardless of the intent of the user. Simple concept, convoluted sentence.