Now Walt is waiting for the electrician, or someone like him.
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Well in the past this would have been an update that took me until 3am or so, and wouldn’t get posted until the following afternoon… but despite spending “forever” on cleaning up today’s Brenda installment, there’s a three-part classics update for the 8th presented for your perusal at the usual place:
(Unfortunately Rick gets the day off due to time constraints.)
It’s amazing how this 1931 storyline is tracking with a 1937 “Our Gang” comedy two-reeler, Now our hero is back on good terms with his girl friend (or at least his friend who is a girl), so now he needs to figure out to not get caught hanging around the “Women Hater’s Club”. It’s been awhile since we’ve seen Jean.
Aside from a really messy original to deal with tonight, Brenda and Maryjane are talking to psychologists to find one that suits our Starr. Though I’m guessing that what could have been a forward-thinking story, taking away some of the stigma of consulting a “shrink” back in 1949 is going to turn out to be Brenda talking to a series of eccentric mental health ‘professionals’. Doc number one appears to specialize in dream interpretation.
So with no license procured, Slim and Clovia come to the conclusion that this is not their time. They’re going to cancel the wedding (and less than a week before the date)! I’m sure this will go over great with Skeezix and Nina.
snsurone76 9 months ago
Mayor Melba owes Walt for helping to bring down Imeswine. She could repay him by getting him electricians who will work both outdoors and indoors.
eced52 9 months ago
I can’t believe no one has figured out that the tree fell on the generator yet.
Dirty Dragon 9 months ago
Now Walt is waiting for the electrician, or someone like him.
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Well in the past this would have been an update that took me until 3am or so, and wouldn’t get posted until the following afternoon… but despite spending “forever” on cleaning up today’s Brenda installment, there’s a three-part classics update for the 8th presented for your perusal at the usual place:
(Unfortunately Rick gets the day off due to time constraints.)
It’s amazing how this 1931 storyline is tracking with a 1937 “Our Gang” comedy two-reeler, Now our hero is back on good terms with his girl friend (or at least his friend who is a girl), so now he needs to figure out to not get caught hanging around the “Women Hater’s Club”. It’s been awhile since we’ve seen Jean.
Aside from a really messy original to deal with tonight, Brenda and Maryjane are talking to psychologists to find one that suits our Starr. Though I’m guessing that what could have been a forward-thinking story, taking away some of the stigma of consulting a “shrink” back in 1949 is going to turn out to be Brenda talking to a series of eccentric mental health ‘professionals’. Doc number one appears to specialize in dream interpretation.
So with no license procured, Slim and Clovia come to the conclusion that this is not their time. They’re going to cancel the wedding (and less than a week before the date)! I’m sure this will go over great with Skeezix and Nina.
iggyman 9 months ago
Very true, the electric company is only responsible from the pole to the house (meter), from then on it’s yours!
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray 9 months ago
Walt gets an electrifyin’ revelation.
Darryl Heine 8 months ago
Shorty, shortly, let’s call the whole thing off.
fourteenpeeves 8 months ago
Aren’t generators usually kept in the basement?