Wrong Hands by John Atkinson for June 14, 2024

  1. Ubik
    Pharmakeus Ubik  6 months ago

    Not that I’ve got any chops as a cartoonist or magical evolutionist, but shouldn’t that be a Stargazy pie in the second panel?

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  2. Chai
    Perkycat  6 months ago

    Thank you scientists for setting things straight!! Although I can really understand the second panel, depending on what kind of pie that is.

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  3. 20241101 144113 3
    Lady loves a joke  6 months ago

    The smiling fish is cute!

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  4. Missing large
    holdenrex  6 months ago

    The third panel may actually be have some scientific merit.

    In 2019 scientists studying moon rocks acquired from a 1971 Apollo mission determined that one of the rocks was of terrestrial origin. The rock has also been determined to be the oldest Earth rock ever discovered at over 4 billion years old. The current most likely hypothesis is that the rock formed within our planet’s crust and later got jettisoned to the moon by one of the many daily meteor impacts that bombarded early Earth.

    This has led others to speculate that the dino-killing asteroid impact may have hurled dinosaurs out of the planet’s atmosphere and into space (albeit in much more fragmentary form than depicted here). Some have even gone so far as to suggest that we may someday discover such fragmentary dinosaur fossils on the moon, though it should be noted that the moon was much closer to the Earth 4 billion years ago than 66 million years ago

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  5. Chaos person gocomics missing
    divad27182  4 months ago

    I suspect the true pre-scientific theory of “dinosaur extinction” was that extinction didn’t exist and that dinosaurs where a single contemporary species. Think about T-Rex + brontosaur + pterodactyl, with all remains found skeletonized. And maybe a few other combinations in other lands.

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