Do we know why she has those kids? I shop at a major grocery food store. One day I went shopping, got the food bagged and was told I had to use a different cart to take the groceries out! Huh? I talked to the manager, and he said that came down from corporate. I told him when I come in, I wipe the cart down. Is somebody gonna do that to the replacement? (Sorry I got gabby) They stopped doing that.
Crazy Comics 6 months ago
Privacy, or what is it?
dbrucepm 6 months ago
I shop local whenever I can so the stores stay around
silberdistel 6 months ago
Oh, I thought this would be grandma.
brick10 6 months ago
Kids, we’re going shopping. Bring your money if you think there is something you might want to get.
cuzinron47 6 months ago
Even on-line you have check your cart when you check out, in case they’ve added something when you weren’t looking.
stillfickled Premium Member 6 months ago
Do we know why she has those kids? I shop at a major grocery food store. One day I went shopping, got the food bagged and was told I had to use a different cart to take the groceries out! Huh? I talked to the manager, and he said that came down from corporate. I told him when I come in, I wipe the cart down. Is somebody gonna do that to the replacement? (Sorry I got gabby) They stopped doing that.