Well, if the friction on the ground is more than the friction on the ball, this can happen.
It all depends on how densely you pack the snowball. My educated guess is that the ball was very loose, with lots of air pockets, while the snow on the ground had been there for a few days, and it was hardened by the wind and sun.
Source: I read a lot of super-hero comics when I was young, I know science.
Yakety Sax 8 months ago
Thank goodness they don’t make snowballs like that anymore.
WhatsTheJoke 8 months ago
An Acme snowball?
Izzy Moreno 8 months ago
Well, if the friction on the ground is more than the friction on the ball, this can happen.
It all depends on how densely you pack the snowball. My educated guess is that the ball was very loose, with lots of air pockets, while the snow on the ground had been there for a few days, and it was hardened by the wind and sun.
Source: I read a lot of super-hero comics when I was young, I know science.
BACK9BOB 8 months ago
Wile Coyote with a bigger snout…
Kroykali 8 months ago
He didn’t have a snowball chance in hell.
lthome24 Premium Member 8 months ago
Wile E. Aardvark?