Ah, freed from his Mooch. Will he have the energy to create another at dinner time ?
Poncho is forced to give way to a stronger force.
Wow! He just shriveled up just like that? How come the Avengers never thought of that?
I love all those dozens of teeth, and not a canine in sight.
HA HA! Loser!!!!!!!!!!! :)
July 26, 2014
222jo 9 months ago
Ah, freed from his Mooch. Will he have the energy to create another at dinner time ?
Calvinist1966 9 months ago
Poncho is forced to give way to a stronger force.
SquidGamerGal 9 months ago
Wow! He just shriveled up just like that? How come the Avengers never thought of that?
anamchara42 9 months ago
I love all those dozens of teeth, and not a canine in sight.
Impkins Premium Member 9 months ago
HA HA! Loser!!!!!!!!!!! :)