I think Maria is asking a legitimate question. Dad needs to be more patient with her, and explain when exactly being online became a thing. (Around 1990, or somewhere thereabouts.) I remember working in the Home Electronics section of Sears at around that time, and while a 286 unit was ok, the real deal was buying a 386 system. I think our phones these days would put those old units to shame.
Yakety Sax 8 months ago
And don’t come in until dark.
The Reader Premium Member 8 months ago
He used to work with Arnold!
fuzzybritches 8 months ago
No, Maria, they were printed on paper and we called them “fishwrap.”
Kidon Ha-Shomer 8 months ago
houses with new puppies and many a canary cage suffers the current lack of a delivered daily newspaper.
Jeff0811 8 months ago
I think Maria is asking a legitimate question. Dad needs to be more patient with her, and explain when exactly being online became a thing. (Around 1990, or somewhere thereabouts.) I remember working in the Home Electronics section of Sears at around that time, and while a 286 unit was ok, the real deal was buying a 386 system. I think our phones these days would put those old units to shame.
Billavi Premium Member 8 months ago
I’m surprised that she’s aware of the Flintstones