Do you realize that toilets have been shown to have fewer germs per square centimeter than computer keyboards, phone handset mouthpieces and shopping cart handles.
I have a feeling that asian369 doesn’t mean gay the same way that most people in the US mean gay.
Ray_C over 16 years ago
…and then he goes and drinks from the toilet…
Subtorp401 over 16 years ago
….then goes back out-side to roll round in the doo he didn’t eat…
aslan369 over 16 years ago
This is the gayest comic in the world yet it is funny
Wood_Gracie over 16 years ago
Aslan: you’re right! It is a very fun and lively comic strip!
Wildmustang1262 over 16 years ago
Wish him a good luck! :-)
Reindom over 16 years ago
I keep telling my kids, don’t let the dogs lick you… They lick their butts and eat poo.
aerwalt over 16 years ago
runar over 16 years ago
Do you realize that toilets have been shown to have fewer germs per square centimeter than computer keyboards, phone handset mouthpieces and shopping cart handles.
I have a feeling that asian369 doesn’t mean gay the same way that most people in the US mean gay.
Ray_C over 16 years ago
That’s toilet seats, Runar, not toilet bowls; if I’m not mistaken. Anyway, you know, it’s the whole idea of the thing.