Try finding someone to milk a cute and friendly goat. You almost need to seperate them from their young at night, milk them once a day in the morning, and turn them into the pasture with their nursing young during the day to be able to take some time away. Lots of neighbors will water and feed them, and the young can nurse 24/7 until you get back. But this means keeping the kids around, and only half the milk per doe. Sweet little does.
bluetopazcrystal over 16 years ago
that’s so true. It’s even harder to plan for a dog’s care than a child’s care.
CoronellaKeiper over 16 years ago
Try finding someone to milk a cute and friendly goat. You almost need to seperate them from their young at night, milk them once a day in the morning, and turn them into the pasture with their nursing young during the day to be able to take some time away. Lots of neighbors will water and feed them, and the young can nurse 24/7 until you get back. But this means keeping the kids around, and only half the milk per doe. Sweet little does.