Mike Lester for June 26, 2024

  1. Twblob
    SrTechWriter  7 days ago

    Does not apply in the real world. Several House Select Committees (in particular, Jim Jordan’s) have been trying, literally for years, to find SOMETHING (Please? ANYTHING?) unlawful to affix to President Biden. So far, after multiple grand announcements of “proof”, they have come up with … … … wait for it … … … wait for it … … …:


    Unlike Trump (waiving stolen classified document under the nose of a foreign representative, disclosing US military response secrets, disclosing the response plans of allies, chumming with dictators), there is absolutely NO indication that Biden ever has even considered selling US secrets or being influenced by other countries. G-6 is responding to what they know – which actually is very little. Their responses are based mostly on “reports” (actually propaganda) ballyhooed by MAGA through the US media as “news” (or “entertainment”, if it’s FOX). All Trump and his MAGA toadies have accomplished (or are or will be accomplishing) is tearing down the reputation of the US in the view of the rest of the world.

    In November 2024, vote to dead-end Trump and MAGA once and for all. Cancel their Fascist culture. Deny him Presidential authority to pardon himself. Then let the Courts proceed on their proper path regarding both current charges and any brought in the future regarding swindle of Federal and “campaign” funds.

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    aristoclesplato9  7 days ago

    And that’s how the foreign leaders view Biden. No need to limit it to the G-6. They all do.

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    Hollymartins2  7 days ago

    The Democrats case – Multiple Grand Juries in four states have found enough evidence based on documents, videos, audio recording, testimony from Repuglicans the Reality Show Con Artist HIRED and his own words to hand down over 90 indictments to him and 19 others (four of which have already pled guilty).

    The Repuglican case – Chinese and Russian spies and a manhandled laptop full of D picks.

    The Mainstream Media’s reaction – “both sides” face questions.

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    Hollymartins2  7 days ago

    Do you notice it is only MAGAt rubes who take shots at President Biden but if you want to know what a fraud the Reality Show Con Artist is, all you have to do is ask the people he HIRED?

    Former national security adviser John Bolton said world leaders look at former President Trump as a “laughing fool” in his latest attack on the GOP presidential front-runner.

    “I think they think — Xi Jinping, and Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, and others — they think he’s a laughing fool. And they’re fully prepared to take advantage of him. Trump’s self-absorption makes it impossible for him to understand that,” Bolton said Tuesday on CNN’s “The Source with Kaitlin Collins.” – John Bolton – former National Security Advisor HIRED by the Reality Show Con Artist. The Hill 1/31/24

    Now, is Bolton correct or is the Reality Show Con Artist a fraud and bad executive for HIRING him and the 40 other Administration members who are either trashing him or testifying against him?

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  5. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 7 days ago

    Trump has unrecorded conversations with Putin, and subsequently unilaterally pulls US out of treaties to the benefit of Putin.

    But, sure, Biden is a target of foreign leaders.


    Lester again displaying Trump Disciple analysis skills.

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  6. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  7 days ago

    Get off our T!T.

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  7. Twblob
    SrTechWriter  7 days ago

    Meanwhile, in the real world:

    “Perfect” Trump acolyte Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) faced criticism Wednesday after the U.S. Supreme Court dismissed the conspiracy theory that states were harmed by social media censorship over COVID-19 misinformation. In a 6-3 decision, Justice Amy Coney Barrett said that two states lacked legal standing to challenge the government’s communication with social media companies.

    Following the ruling, Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) insisted Jordan’s “conspiracy theory” had failed:

    “As expected, the Supreme Court has issued a stinging rebuke to Jordan and his $Ms conspiracy-theory-fueled witch hunt. The Court concluded that the social media platforms _exercised their own judgement with regards to content moderation – which is precisely what we have heard from the dozens of witnesses that Jordan has dragged before this committee.

    “The Court also pointed out that the basis for House Republicans’ partisan reign of harassment against social media companies was inaccurate and outright false, I hope that after this humiliating defeat Jordan and his colleagues will end their failed investigation into the companies, universities, and individuals who have been trying to stop the spread of harmful misinformation and disinformation on social media.”

    Another Jim Jordan (and Trump-MAGA) flop.

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  8. Twblob
    SrTechWriter  7 days ago

    And still MORE!

    Have you noticed any (or all) of these symptoms in Donald Trump:

    1) Slurring words,

    2) Struggling (or inability) to find or say the correct word,

    3) Incoherent, chaotic, or socially-inappropriate ideas,

    4) Inability to complete sentences, ideas, or topics,

    5) Impaired movement motor functions (walking, stopping, stooping, turning around, reaching, grasping, manipulating)

    6) Decreased balance (as in inability to walk upright down dry steps or inclined ramps),

    7) Arched (leaning forward) onto toes, spraddled stance, including consistently leaning forward, or holding, onto a support (like a lectern, a high chair back, or a counter).

    - Meidas Touch Networks -

    These are the 7 diagnostic symptoms of frontotemporal dementia. Consistent or repetitive presence of ANY of them is an indication of serious cognitive degeneration. Presence of more than one symptom indicates that the person should be relieved of, and medically disqualified from, all duties that involve authority. This is a degenerative condition. Currently, there is no cure or restorative treatment. Cognitive function will never return. It only will deteriorate further.

    Currently, Donald Trump exhibits ALL of these symptoms, in addition to 8 of the 9 diagnostic symptoms of megalomania..

    Trump is NOT OK.

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  9. Yin yang
    Havel  6 days ago

    Interesting on the 76th anniversary of the start of the Berlin Airlift. Was Truman a sucker too? Did the US benefit from a Germany not being under Soviet control? Was the Marshall Plan money wasted too?

    The transactional paradigm is so ignorant.

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  10. 5cf96a5f 504e 4c6b 86a5 c29d9610342b
    Al Fresco  6 days ago

    The radical leftist cockroaches must be really worried about the debate. You can hear them skittering around in circles while typing on their keyboards spewing hate. They are worried that between Dana Bash, Jake Tapper, and Joe Biden that the 3 of them can’t pin Trump on a single question. Will someone fetch me a can of RAID?

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  11. Odin
    Holden Awn  6 days ago

    Let’s Go Brandon!

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    ncorgbl  6 days ago

    So the G6 sees ‘Bidenomics’ working for the world economy just as it has here in the U.S.

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    Michael Spony Premium Member 6 days ago

    Just more Lester cuckservative BS.

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