A simple cheap step counter is all it takes to help change habits. Years before your phone had an app for that, I took a nutrition course for medical professionals and the instructor mentioned that for people that needed to be more active changed their habits for the better when they started tracking their steps with a simple step counter.
Ida No 5 months ago
Good question. Here’s a good answer. “Nope.”
kokofrank.tx 5 months ago
Not if a tree falls in the forest ON you!
Bex Premium Member 5 months ago
A simple cheap step counter is all it takes to help change habits. Years before your phone had an app for that, I took a nutrition course for medical professionals and the instructor mentioned that for people that needed to be more active changed their habits for the better when they started tracking their steps with a simple step counter.
Mike Baldwin creator 5 months ago
No, but it will seem longer.
Ed The Red Premium Member 5 months ago
If you don’t post about it on social media, you don’t get the health benefits.