Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for August 11, 2024

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    eced52  7 months ago

    Need a better locking mechanism Jimbo.

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    mrwiskers  7 months ago

    This comic reminds me that recently I was reading that William James wrote there are Christians who believe in a divinity who never intervenes in the affairs of mankind and other Christians who believe in a divine intervention. I found it in the postscript of The Varieties of Religious Experience. I would guess we could add a few more interpretations since his time.

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    dhqggf82w  7 months ago

    the trash is left in an empty trash can on the top of a grassy hillhow is it collected as there is no road for a truck and why does Jimbo leave the trash can out after it is collected as leaveing out trash cans after collections could mean a fine in my neighborhood

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    rshive  7 months ago

    Jimbo doesn’t have a garbage moment?

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  5. Boston
    MS72  7 months ago

    I get the squirrel likes walnuts, but how is that connected to the phase of the moon?

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    raybarb44  7 months ago

    or from your raccoon friends…….

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    david.reichert  7 months ago

    Why is the trash can on a grassy knoll? Does the G-Truck get up there, or do the squirrels take it all? And can you see the book repository from there?

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  8. Nollanav
    DaBump Premium Member 7 months ago

    I don’t know about squirrels, but raccoons, now THEY will get into trash cans, hence the nickname “trash pandas.”

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  9. Bob blue
    Robert Miller Premium Member 7 months ago

    We have plastic garbage containers in my town. And we have squirrels that will chew threw them to get to the trash. My container had so many holes in it after a few years, that we had to get the city to replace it. So far, we’ve had the new container a year now, and no holes. I don’t know if the squirrels died, gave up, or moved on.

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    Ukko wilko  7 months ago

    Has anyone actually had squirrels get in their garbage?

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