One day at the beach, I stumbled upon a woman who was making a sand sculpture that was probably eight feet long. It was a sleeping dragon, and people had built a village on its back. It was very detailed and elaborate, and was deliberately put where the next tide would destroy it. Kids were running about, trying to figure out how to save the dragon. The artist said she works for Dow in Delaware and does something like this once a year for relaxation.
DanglingModifier 6 months ago
classic beach competition
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member 6 months ago
“About halfway through the eastern wing”
Decepticomic 6 months ago
That’s a little too much effort, and not nearly enough bragging, for Nancy.
VICTOR PROULX 6 months ago
A Schulz gag from the 50s
Chris 6 months ago
impressive… :\
gozirra2 Premium Member 6 months ago
Wonder how many subcontractors she used? Was it prefabricated? Otherwise, as @Decepticomic mentioned, too much effort.
Milady Meg 6 months ago
One day at the beach, I stumbled upon a woman who was making a sand sculpture that was probably eight feet long. It was a sleeping dragon, and people had built a village on its back. It was very detailed and elaborate, and was deliberately put where the next tide would destroy it. Kids were running about, trying to figure out how to save the dragon. The artist said she works for Dow in Delaware and does something like this once a year for relaxation.
InquireWithin 6 months ago
At least they’re not building robots in the summer on the beach /s
Darth Stevious 6 months ago
Still better than what preceded Olivia. It’s just not Olivia. I do kinda want to see a week’s parody of the pre-Olivia dress though.
tad1 6 months ago
I’d love to see Dan Thompson’s take on Nancy. Can you imagine Nancy with giggling knuckles?