Ginger Meggs by Jason Chatfield for July 29, 2024

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    rekam Premium Member 6 months ago

    Oops! As to the side comment, the answer is NO.

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    rockyridge1977  6 months ago

    Touchy teacher…………..we only rent …..never own!

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    gooddavid  6 months ago

    I’m trying to decide if this sounds more like me when I was in Ginger’s spot, or more like certain kids in my classes now that I am in Mr Canehard’s position. ;)(and for the record, if one of my students said that to me, I would honestly laugh).

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    trainnut1956  6 months ago

    Wait… brick door trim???

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    I Mad Am I  6 months ago

    “If money can’t buy happiness, can I at least rent it?”

    Yes! But… the current Going Rate is massively high!

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    RailScout Premium Member 6 months ago

    True story. Third-grade class, Brooklyn Diocese Catholic grammar school, early 1960s.

    Sister Mary Joan: Now class, is there anyone higher than God?

    Mikey: My mother.

    Sr. Mary Joan, aghast, hauls Mikey down to the Principal’s Office.

    Sr. Jude Thaddeus (principal): Young man, you say your mother is higher than God Almighty?

    Mikey (still wondering what he said wrong): Yes, Sr. Jude Thaddeus.

    The nuns decide to kick this one upstairs to the Pastor, Father McClellan. The good Father is a former teacher himself, and has heard pretty much everything over the years. The nuns go into the pastor’s office and explain the situation, then Fr. McClellan calls Mikey in.

    Fr. McClellan: Now, Mikey, you say your mother is higher than God?

    Mikey: Yes, Father.

    Fr. McClellan: Refresh my memory, Mikey – tell me what your mother looks like. I know I must know her.

    Mikey: Mommy’s the very tall lady who always wears matching suits and hats to Mass. She makes them herself!

    Fr. McClellan realizes immediately who Mikey’s mother is. Mama is six feet tall in her stocking feet, built like a greyhound, clearly was an athlete in her youth and is still in good shape, with a will of steel and a right hook to go with it. Mikey is her baby; his older brothers are strapping young men in their late teens over six feet tall, and they obey their Mama!

    Fr. McClellan sends Mikey out of the room, but still in earshot of the adults.

    Fr. McClellan: Let it go.

    Sr. Mary Joan: But, Father-

    Fr. McClellan: Let it go.

    Sr. Jude Thaddeus: We can’t have someone saying in Religion class-

    Fr. McClellan: Let. It. Go. I know who Mikey’s mother is – and he may very well be right!

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    gcarlson  6 months ago

    “No, but you can have a jolly time being miserable.” – Arthur Treacher on Duffy’s Tavern

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    markkahler52  6 months ago

    XD!! Good One, Ginger!!

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