Jonestown, November 18, 1978
The problem is that neither party is good for the country.
When your party gives you permission to hate and mistreat other people, what more do you need?
Timed with the Democratic convention…
Just watch Fox News the serve up the Kool-Aid big time. Although MSNBC does the same for the other side, just not as much conspiracy bullcrap
The people at Jonestown were forced to drink at gunpoint. Those who didn’t were shot.
It’s fascinating how two people can look at the exact same video and come up with two totally opposite conclusions.
One party is claiming advancements and benefits that they voted NO on. Change the channel.
Yakety Sax 6 months ago
Jonestown, November 18, 1978
fuzzbucket Premium Member 6 months ago
The problem is that neither party is good for the country.
david_42 6 months ago
When your party gives you permission to hate and mistreat other people, what more do you need?
tcayer 6 months ago
Timed with the Democratic convention…
Totalloser Premium Member 6 months ago
Just watch Fox News the serve up the Kool-Aid big time. Although MSNBC does the same for the other side, just not as much conspiracy bullcrap
tammyspeakslife Premium Member 6 months ago
The people at Jonestown were forced to drink at gunpoint. Those who didn’t were shot.
Drgnslr Premium Member 6 months ago
It’s fascinating how two people can look at the exact same video and come up with two totally opposite conclusions.
MFRXIM Premium Member 6 months ago
One party is claiming advancements and benefits that they voted NO on. Change the channel.