Prickly City by Scott Stantis for August 26, 2024

  1. Unnamed
    The dude from FL  Premium Member 7 months ago

    So vote smart! You vote for one that promises no more elections after you elect him, that’s the wrong vote

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    William Robbins Premium Member 7 months ago

    Ok, I’m going to intentionally misinterpret this to talk about how great it would be if every election season were as short as this one. Even this is 10 times as long as the Europeans’.

    But yeah, life is short, don’t sweat the small stuff. and it’s almost all small stuff.

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  3. Lifi
    rossevrymn  7 months ago

    The latest DMZ had an interesting ending. Stantis committed a generation-on-generation crime, taking a shot at the Millennials, just the normal Boomer stuff. He also let Rall dominate the Ukraine/Russian conversation, and you know Rall ain’t paintin’ his beloved Mother Russia in a bad light, no ineptitude there. However, the piece ended with Stantis and Rall taking solid shots at Go Comics for shutting down comments on editorial cartoons. Thanks, guys, for that.

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  4. Missing large
    ctolson  7 months ago

    Sounds and looks like they’re watching an eclipe. ’Course that is what will happen to democracy if DJT is elected.

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  5. Missing large
    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  7 months ago


    Sean Hannity sold a house on Long Island for 12,700,000.00 dollars.

    This guy doesn’t deserve to have TWELVE DOLLARS in his pocket

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  6. White cat 5
    " Kat" Premium Member 7 months ago

    The Democrats have “pulled the cork” and are using everything they can to solicit a vote for “Commiela.” … … … “They have even developed a political ad trying to use my father’s image @Billy Graham.” They are trying to mislead people.“_ Quote by Franklin Graham. Franklin went on to say in no uncertain terms that he condemns the use of his father’s image and is an insult to his memory. {”Kat": How low can you go?}

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  7. White cat 5
    " Kat" Premium Member 7 months ago

    A vote for Commie “Commiela” Chameleon is a vote for ruination and depression. Just one of her new tax proposals, an immediate tax on the appreciation of our homes, is enough to scare the “begeebies” out of anyone. People! Think, learn and evaluate what can and will happen to you. Satan himself would be a better choice. To tell the truth, I’m runnin’ scared! Have at me all of you useful idiots. “Sticks and stones … .”

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    elgrecousa Premium Member 7 months ago

    Relax guys, the country is smarter than that (I hope).

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  9. 1
    ncorgbl  7 months ago

    There are no “do-overs”. We have one shot at saving this Great Nation in November from tRump’s fascist Project 2025 destruction.

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  10. White cat 5
    " Kat" Premium Member 7 months ago

    And now, for a bit of the censored news. A secret service agent was found in a secure area breastfeeding her infant while on duty and assigned to Trump’s Ashville, N. Carolina rally. This woman, a nursing mother, should be on maternity leave and not assigned to the possibility of taking a bullet. This incident is beyond the pale. You know, “Kat” is considering to begin putting some credence in the swirling number of conspiracy theories being foisted about.

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  11. White cat 5
    " Kat" Premium Member 7 months ago

    Speaking of political ads. A new Trump ad uses Barack Hussein Obama’s own words spoken at the DNC. Obama shouted: “We do not need four more years of bluster and bumbling and chaos.”

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  12. White cat 5
    " Kat" Premium Member 7 months ago

    As a poster has so eloquently stated inasmuch that there are no "do overs’. The poster continued: “We have one shot at saving this Great Nation in November … .” “Kat” inserts and continues the sentence with “from further encroachment of the communist apparatchiks.”

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  13. Download
    Walter Kocker  7 months ago

    Fox News host Howard Kurtz suggested conservative author Ann Coulter “should be in prison” after she mocked the son of Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz for crying during his father’s acceptance speech.

    A day after Walz accepted the Democratic nomination to run for vice president, Coulter called Gus Walz “weird” for his emotional outburst at the Democratic convention.

    Kurtz said: “I should mention before we go to break that Tim Walz’s son, who started crying, this was an emotional moment when his dad got up there, whether you like the governor of Minnesota or not, that was really something,” he added. “Anybody criticizing that, we have a picture of that, I think, should be in prison.”

    For once I agree with a Fox News host? – Read on

    During a Sunday panel discussion on Fox News, Kurtz accused Democrats of “political theft” over the use of American flags at their convention.

    “There is a lot of political theft that was going on,” he insisted. “All the flags talk of the military, talk of patriotism. Fortunately, that’s not an offense for which anybody can be put in jail on both sides.”

    OK Howie, as a veteran, I have a problem with the Trump Party, whose elderly leader, the felon, has called members of the US military “losers” and “suckers” – and who, as the most embarrassing president of the United States EVER – refused to honor the fallen heroes at their graveyards in France ‘cause it’d mess up his fake hairdo – AND who’d instigated an insurrection that showed American “patriots” carrying American flags on poles – using those poles to attack Capitol Police Officers doing their jobs while Trump is busy back at the White House TV room tantrumingly flinging hamberders at the wall for someone else to clean up. I find it hard, sometimes, to view the American flag on the pole in my front garden – proudly lighted at night – without thinking of that and condemning the man-child that lessened my respect for it.

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  14. White cat 5
    " Kat" Premium Member 7 months ago

    Since Barack Hussein Obama is “on the menu.” Barack Husein Obama’s recent purchase of a 12 million dollar palace/castle in Martha’s Vineyard sits on 29 lush acres. The “house” has seven bedrooms, eight baths and among other grand amenities, a huge swimming pool. Barrack Hussein Obama paid 12 million. That should even out Hannity’s sale. Tell me. Where does a “street organizer” acquire such “a stash”? The recent death of his chef remains a mystery to many.

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  15. Curious cat
    Curiosity Premium Member 7 months ago

    Quite possibly, but you aren’t likely to remember earlier episodes. You will reflect them though at least to some extent. It’s called Karma.

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