The romans didn’t start many wars, but until the empire fell, the ended all of them. Standard roman policy was if you attacked them, they would destroy you utterly as an example to others.
Hey, GoComics admin. You seriously need to fix your advertising. It’s interrupted my reading of this comic and had to reload about six times and cancel the ads . The fuel forward is the worst.
Wizard of Ahz-no relation about 1 month ago
The romans didn’t start many wars, but until the empire fell, the ended all of them. Standard roman policy was if you attacked them, they would destroy you utterly as an example to others.
Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” about 1 month ago
Hey, GoComics admin. You seriously need to fix your advertising. It’s interrupted my reading of this comic and had to reload about six times and cancel the ads . The fuel forward is the worst.