If people are worried about their personal info being spread around why do they post it all on social media. Who cares what school you went to or where you ate last night or how many kids you have blah blah. The only ones who would care are your close friends and family and they already know everything about you.
markkahler52 5 months ago
Yeah, but it’s all about your auto warranty…
Ubintold 5 months ago
They can hack my account because I don’t have one.
derdave969 5 months ago
Mine’s probably hacked, but I won’t find out until I create it.
Niko S 5 months ago
If people are worried about their personal info being spread around why do they post it all on social media. Who cares what school you went to or where you ate last night or how many kids you have blah blah. The only ones who would care are your close friends and family and they already know everything about you.