Ginger Meggs by Jason Chatfield for September 12, 2024

  1. Img 5203
    rockyridge1977  6 months ago

    That will do it every time………….parents will always be parents!!!!

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  2. Bead braid p
    I Mad Am I  6 months ago

    “The bigger you get, the harder your parents try to keep you little.”

    I read somewhere that the US is attempting to make the “Adult” threshold be at age 25.

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    kinich79  6 months ago

    Used to be a time 14 year old marriages were common. And royalty married sometimes their children even younger to secure alliances with other kingdoms. But again until the early 1970s you had to be 21 to vote, main reason they actually lowered the voting age to 18 was so they could draft and recruit more soldiers who were still in their teens to send them to Vietnam. A war we ultimately lost (well, they say we “retreated” and by the way we also “retreated” from Afghanistan, so draw your own conclusions) anyway. And yet to this day you can be held liable as an adult as young as 16 or even younger for many crimes in some states, you have to sign up for “selective service” (even though currently there is no actual draft) at 18, but…. you can buy liquor or cigarette, play the lottery, apply for a law license or work in many profession until you are 21, for some jobs you have to even be 25. So the fact is, you are officially a citizen at 18 but have to wait until you are years older for many benefits and rights, even when applying for Financial Aid you need your parents signature, even if you support yourself economically, until you are over 24.

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