An elephant’s place is in the living room.
Not the bar.
Unless pink.
Pink elephants. Pink Squirrrels. Coincidence? Elephants in The Fusco Brothers. Elephants in Frog Applause. Coincidence? Something to think about… maybe later.
My tuskless elephants can beat up your big ol’ tusky elephant. Any day.
Is that ‘tusky’ elephant or testy elephant???
There are pink elephants over at Reynolds Unwrapped too… did I miss a holiday on my calendar… was today bring an elephant to work day??
But Ms. frogapplause, my elephant can drink your elephant under the table
Don’t think about pink elephants.
“Hey buddy, why the long face?”
judyparka almost 16 years ago
4deerinmyyard almost 16 years ago
An elephant’s place is in the living room.
Not the bar.
Unless pink.
J.C.Duffy Premium Member almost 16 years ago
Pink elephants. Pink Squirrrels. Coincidence? Elephants in The Fusco Brothers. Elephants in Frog Applause. Coincidence? Something to think about… maybe later.
Teresa Burritt (Frog Applause) creator almost 16 years ago
My tuskless elephants can beat up your big ol’ tusky elephant. Any day.
detour_jones almost 16 years ago
Is that ‘tusky’ elephant or testy elephant???
There are pink elephants over at Reynolds Unwrapped too… did I miss a holiday on my calendar… was today bring an elephant to work day??
J.C.Duffy Premium Member almost 16 years ago
But Ms. frogapplause, my elephant can drink your elephant under the table
Keith Messamer almost 16 years ago
Don’t think about pink elephants.
Sherlock Watson almost 16 years ago
“Hey buddy, why the long face?”