Garfield: I've been taken! There was only one kernel of popcorn in this whole bag. Oh, well, one's better than nothing. *POP!*
May 14, 2024
Geez, if that’s one popcorn…I’d hate to imagine how much that bag would’ve made.
thats still not even a quarter of how much he wouldve gotten from a whole bunch of kernals
That thing WORKS!!!!
That’s why it’s called “Pop-A-Lot”.
glowing-steak32 over 9 years ago
Geez, if that’s one popcorn…I’d hate to imagine how much that bag would’ve made.
ChronicleHunter almost 9 years ago
thats still not even a quarter of how much he wouldve gotten from a whole bunch of kernals
ridebenedetti over 4 years ago
That thing WORKS!!!!
alexzinuro almost 3 years ago
That’s why it’s called “Pop-A-Lot”.