Garfield by Jim Davis for October 25, 2009
*SLAM!* Jon: Want to hear about my date with Liz? Garfield: Do I have a choice? Jon: We were in the car, staring into each others eyes... I reached out to turn on the car radio, but pushed the lighter instead... Then it popped out into my lap, I screamed and jumped, my head went through the car roof, the airbags went off, and the horn stuck. Sigh. I've never been thrown out of a drive-in movie before. Garfield: You have a rare and special gift, Jon Arbuckle.
SplendensPluviaNemus about 15 years ago
I think, in some way or another, we’ve all felt like we have that special gift…
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ about 15 years ago
Girls can cloud you mind that way!
Llewellenbruce about 15 years ago
You’re lucky you did’nt burn something in your lap Jon.
sjoujke about 15 years ago
You can sure tell how “dated” this comic strip is….where did Jon find a drive-in?
ejcapulet about 15 years ago
Liz needs some sort of reward for her patience - a lifetime supply of fireproof body armor would be a good start.
cynthialand about 15 years ago
Drive-ins aren’t totally gone, have a couple still in my area.
alondra about 15 years ago
So that’s why she goes out with him. It must’ve taken her a long time to stop laughing.
lewisbower about 15 years ago
Back in the day when drive-ins charged by person, not carload, this cheap teenager got in the trunk and let my date drive in for the price of one. She left me in that trunk the whole movie. I never would have forgiven her except she had two good points.
suziq589 about 15 years ago
My great grand daughters always have me read Garfield to them they just love him.
Durak Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hey, that could happen to anyone!
battycomic Premium Member about 15 years ago
There’s still a drive-in in my area too, cynthialand.
cynof3 about 15 years ago
We still have The Silver Moon Drive-In in Fl, on the weekends it becomes a flea market during the day
notinksanymore about 15 years ago
There are drive-ins all over the place. What don’t exist anymore are those car lighters! Jon must drive a clunker!
Ushindi about 15 years ago
For any Californians who grew up with Drive-ins, here is a very sad list of Calif. DIs, both still open and closed. Notice the “closed” as opposed to the “open”. I found several of my old favorites on here (all closed) - you’ll see yours, also. (P.S. - Others can also check their own state, not just Ca.)
Ca. Drive-ins
mjtempke about 15 years ago
We still have the Tibbs Drive-In here in Indianapolis, IN! It’s a pretty cool place, but the prices at the Refreshment Stand are really high!!!
PercyJacksonfan123 about 15 years ago
Sorry Jon
Bebinn about 15 years ago
there’s lots of drive-ins. the one near baltimore (Bengies) had a falling-out with the local paper so they don’t advertise in the movie section any more. kind of makes it hard to get more patrons.
Bengies Forever! checking out the bengiesdrivein site and they have a video that was on CNN recently.
Rakkav about 15 years ago
Jon, truly, you are not alone. The Law of Unintended Consequences sometimes rises up to smite us all hip and thigh.
Never had a date like this comedy of errors, but I’ve had other experiences that were (thankfully not nearly as injurious).
Karptaz about 15 years ago
there are still 4 drive-ins within 30 min from my hometown in upstate NY
CalvinAndHobbes658 over 3 years ago
richinsbree over 2 years ago
His cold is gone!
ElJorro 9 months ago
Jon must be a scion of a Lord of Chaos.