Ben by Daniel Shelton for October 22, 2024

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    stairsteppublishing  5 months ago

    on’t blame him, although it is a toss up as to whether Miss Frumpley or fumigation. Neither really. Your daughter and the grandkids would love it..

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    miss c  5 months ago

    They don’t have a guest room

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  3. Stinker
    cuzinron47  5 months ago

    So now we know. Not sure why Liv thought it was a good idea to let the temptress stay there though.

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  4. Goblin
    owlsandy Premium Member 5 months ago

    And, don’t they have a guest bedroom she could sleep in, instead of on a couch in the living room?

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    mafastore  5 months ago

    My family did not have a guest room nor did my husband’s family.

    At some point my parents bought a bed which had another bed under it which pulled out and popped up (forget what it was called) and put it in the den for when one or the other my grandmothers was sleeping at our house. Husband’s family had something similar for the reason.

    Our house has 3 bedrooms. When we bought it we started to set up the smallest as guest room with a single twin bed. (Medium bedroom is our home office.) My niece – then in her early teens stayed there twice by herself and once when she was younger shared the bed with her younger brother on an overnight stay

    Then my teddy bears and their friends moved in and took over the room. In the early days of Covid I went in and dusted just in case one of the two of caught same and we had to sleep separately – luckily never needed.

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