Stereotypes most definitely, but at least in the case of Mantan Moreland, at least in his role in the many “Charlie Chan” movies, which itself was a sterotype of another sort and a prime example of “Yellow-Face” acting, he wasn’t really playing lazy.
On radio, ‘Amos and Andy’ were played by two white guys, who were actually sitting on their porch on Lake Geneva, Wisconsin at the time. When it became a TV series, They had to get black actors…
jmworacle 3 months ago
Touche’. Sadly, those actors played those roles because of the wages.
Mugens Premium Member 3 months ago
Stereotypes most definitely, but at least in the case of Mantan Moreland, at least in his role in the many “Charlie Chan” movies, which itself was a sterotype of another sort and a prime example of “Yellow-Face” acting, he wasn’t really playing lazy.
Ken Norris Premium Member 3 months ago
On radio, ‘Amos and Andy’ were played by two white guys, who were actually sitting on their porch on Lake Geneva, Wisconsin at the time. When it became a TV series, They had to get black actors…
Drgnslr Premium Member 3 months ago
Seems like there are a lot of commercials and sit-coms that are stereotyping dads and men as being incompetent buffoons these days.