Shoe by Gary Brookins and Susie MacNelly for May 27, 2009

  1. Safetymeasurerw3
    TiggerLeBounce  almost 16 years ago

    It doesn’t understand me either!

     •  Reply
  2. Just checkin
    Northwoodser  almost 16 years ago

    And vice-versa.

     •  Reply
  3. 100 0003
    Silverpearl  almost 16 years ago

    Been economizing all my life. When do I get to splurge?

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  4. Julia napping
    Allen Rymer  almost 16 years ago

    Maybe….after the funeral…?

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  5. Phonepic3altered4
    yyyguy  almost 16 years ago

    even economists don’t really understand the economy. when i studied it, the professor came right out and admitted that they had no idea if the theories they espoused were valid - just said that they seemed to work

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  6. Red and rover
    risitas  almost 16 years ago

    YOU got an economy???

    Pass it down this way!

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  7. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    This would be the perfect time to put a new economic plan into action. Supply and demand doesnt work. Thats why the price of gas goes UP when the price of a barrel of crude goes down. Our mixed free market/planned economy has been shifting more towards planned/socialist for years. No one will admit it for fear of being labeled a communist. What better time to overhaul the economy than when it is busted?

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  8. Mountain lynx
    Shikamoo Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    Hi Dypak: Interesting.

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