Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for October 27, 2008

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  over 16 years ago

    Another conspiracy theory; et tu, Calvin?

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  2. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  over 16 years ago

    You know what they say - you can pick your nose but you can’t pick your family.

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  3. Ha thur  har ewe
    stpatme  over 16 years ago

    “You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose.”

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  4. Picture 2
    MrBillT  over 16 years ago

    If you remember, going back in time, dad offered to buy a dachshund instead, heh heh…..

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  5. D and d bed 03sc
    Ray_C  over 16 years ago

    Sorry, Calvin. Your parents have already looked into this possibility, and the courts have ruled against them.

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  6. Ninjawarrior
    Terry1844  over 16 years ago

    DARN!!! all the good comments have been taken

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    enz1m3  over 16 years ago

    I have to agree with Terry1844 … :|

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  8. Mark 3v.34 rev
    fdctlcmjc  over 16 years ago

    What we have here,… is a failure to cohabitate.

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  9. Dscf0004
    ninmas  over 16 years ago

    ah, this is my favorite calvin and hobbes story ever!

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    Coldfusion  over 16 years ago

    Well seeing that all the good comment is taken….well….ColdFusion Rulezzzz

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  11. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  over 16 years ago

    How can Calvin know that words mean? Is he a smart or what? Too young to know what the words mean? That words are new to me. I have to look up and find the words in my dictionary. Sheesh! :-\

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  12. Dscn7190 small
    stuart  over 16 years ago

    Calvin has so far resisted the dumbing down program at school.

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  13. D and d bed 03sc
    Ray_C  over 16 years ago

    Calvin is preternaturally intelligent, except with things having to do with school. I think Albert Einstein had the same problem, and he gave us the atomic bomb. Maybe it’s a good thing Calvin has been discontinued.

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  14. Emerald
    margueritem  over 16 years ago

    What RayC said.

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  15. Ba071203
    circuit7  over 16 years ago I noted a few days ago when Hobbes declined to allow Calvin to travel into the future…

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  16. Trop light
    JonD17  over 16 years ago

    “How can Calvin know that words mean? Is he a smart or what?” Wildmustang, Calvin is a genius, an “uncommon mind”. So sayeth Hobbes and Hobbes is verrrrrryyy wise.

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  17. 100 0003
    Silverpearl  over 16 years ago

    Hmmm, I’d like to pick a new nose for myself. No so rounded, yet not too sharp.

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  18. Fc102
    fictionalcharacter102  over 16 years ago

    “The only reason Mom and Dad are my parents is because I was born to them!”

    “The essential Calvin and Hobbes” should have been named “the existential Calvin and Hobbes.”

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  19. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  over 16 years ago

    JonD17, Yeah, of course, Hobbes is very wise. I like that! sigh! :-\

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    flocinocihillapillafication  over 16 years ago

    Some of you people are so stupid! The reason why calvin is so smart at such a young age is that A GROWN MAN WRITES THE COMIC STRIP! Not a 6 year old. And for those of you who don’t understand the words that calvin says are the most mentally challenged adults I’ve ever heard of. I’m 12 years old and I can describe to you the meaning of every single one of those words.

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  21. Img 0620 1
    tabbylynn  over 16 years ago

    let me just say for someone so very little he sure uses a lot of big words. where did he learn all of these words.

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  22. Img 0620 1
    tabbylynn  over 16 years ago

    flocinocihillapillafication says:

    Some of you people are so stupid! The reason why calvin is so smart at such a young age is that A GROWN MAN WRITES THE COMIC STRIP! Not a 6 year old. And for those of you who don’t understand the words that calvin says are the most mentally challenged adults I’ve ever heard of. I’m 12 years old and I can describe to you the meaning of every single one of those words.

    that is just not right it is a comic strip let us enjoy them

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  23. Emerald
    margueritem  over 16 years ago

    flocinocihillapillafication commented on Calvin and Hobbes

    Some of you people are so stupid! The reason why calvin is so smart at such a young age is that A GROWN MAN WRITES THE COMIC STRIP! Not a 6 year old. And for those of you who don’t understand the words that calvin says are the most mentally challenged adults I’ve ever heard of. I’m 12 years old and I can describe to you the meaning of every single one of those words.

    Dear young man or lady, before you open your mouth in such a disparging manner, please check out your facts. Wildmustung is hearing impaired and English does not always come easy to him. He uses a dictionary to look up words he doesn’t understand. (Wildmustang, I’m assuming that you are a male, If I’m wrong, please forgive me.) He’s constantly learning, and using a dictionary is a great way to do it.

    One question for you, are you home schooled, or do you attend regular school?

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    Skippy_the_spartan  over 16 years ago


    For being such a “smart” 12 year old, you obviously have never heard of a willing suspension of disbelief. Its that thing that you’re supposed to have when you do things like read a book, watch a movie, or you know, read a comic.

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  25. Emerald
    margueritem  over 16 years ago

    To enlighten all of us, floccinaucinihilipilification (correct spelling) is the act of estimating something as worthless.

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  26. What have i done by babyducks
    pein  over 16 years ago

    thats true.awesome hobbes its true that calvin is smart and a grown person writes this LOL!

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  27. Simpsonized me close up
    mrprongs  over 16 years ago

    Calvin’s a victim of conception. No, wait, his dad got him at K-Mart. Marketing error.

    Calvin does bad in school probably because he has ADD (notice all the stuff he does in Calvinball), and partly from sheer laziness. He might be too smart, and finds the slow going unacceptable, so he let’s his mind wander. A little focus would go a long way.

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    Marderofski  over 16 years ago

    Or a little Ridalin!

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    tobybartels  over 16 years ago

    Your parents have already looked into this possibility, and the courts have ruled against them.

    In Nebraska, they could drop him off at a hostpital until he's 18. (The legislature meant to put an age limit in the safe haven law, like most other States have at about one year, but they never got around to it.)

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    cello_wizard  over 16 years ago

    Don’t get mad at flocinocihillapillafication. I’m 14 and i knew what all the words mean. :/

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  31. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  over 16 years ago

    Some kids don’t do well in school because they’re too smart or creative, and are bored having to plod along at everyone else’s pace. By the time I got to first grade, my classmates were just learning how to read, but I had been reading already for two and a half years. I couldn’t slow down enough to match the class pace.

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  32. D and d bed 03sc
    Ray_C  over 16 years ago

    Circuit7: Didn’t mean to plagiarize you. I should’ve known such brilliant insight couldn’t have come from my own mind. (But I did once read a biography of A.E.)

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  33. Emerald
    margueritem  over 16 years ago

    cello_wizard says:

    Don’t get mad at flocinocihillapillafication. I’m 14 and i knew what all the words mean. :/

    Please reread what the 12 year old said. Intelligence alone does not make up for lack of common sense and common courtesy.

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  34. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  over 16 years ago

    Margueritem, thanks! :-) Yep, You are correct that I am a male. flocinocihillapillafication says: “Some of you people are so stupid! The reason why calvin is so smart at such a young age is that A GROWN MAN WRITES THE COMIC STRIP! Not a 6 year old. And for those of you who don’t understand the words that calvin says are the most mentally challenged adults I’ve ever heard of. I’m 12 years old and I can describe to you the meaning of every single one of those words.” You should not offend all of our intelligences. We all learn something new every and each day. When I find one word or two words that I never see, I have to look up in the dictionary to make sure that I understand what these words mean. So you do not have to insult all of us “stupid.” That is not very nice. Next time, you just say something nice, courtesy and respect. I do not care whether if Calvin is a smart or not. I was just joking to ask the question about Calvin’s intelligence or not. The comic strips are funny or humor for us to enjoy reading and laughing.

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  35. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  over 16 years ago

    I have another comment. For example, the comic strip for Non Sequitur, is about the politic. I do not know about the politic very much. But I like it because it makes me laughing or whatever. When the people post their comments about the politics, that will be fine with me. We all are American and have right to vote, right to have free speech and so forth. We cherish our beloved country for freedom eternally.

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  36. Emerald
    margueritem  over 16 years ago

    Wildmustang, you’re welcome. I can’t let such ignorant comments go unchallenged. Do you like to read? Read as many books as you can. You’ll see how the authors have their characters speak, and that will give you a feel for how people speak aloud in English. It’s a joy to be able to learn so many things about our world, and the universe beyond. Never quit learning.

    I just saw your beautiful Siamese cat avatar. I love it!

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  37. What have i done by babyducks
    pein  over 16 years ago

    i agree on wat margueritem said and it really is true to know more about the world and society but what can you say? thats how it is. and yes a Siamese cat avatar or statue is awesome

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  38. Meerbabies
    westiewestaz  over 16 years ago

    Not that I am supporting the “kids”, but I believe the 12-year old did say “Some of you people”, not all! And remember, they are still growing and learning and haven’t fully developed their characters yet, because they lack life’s experiences. Although, courtesy is something they should practice.

    Marg: Home-schooled children are usually smarter than public school children, as proven by tests they are given by educators.

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  39. Emerald
    margueritem  over 16 years ago

    westiewestaz says:

    Not that I am supporting the “kids”, but I believe the 12-year old did say “Some of you people”, not all!

    I was responding on behalf of Wildmustang. Please reread all of what the twelve year old said.

    “And for those of you who don’t understand the words that calvin says are the most mentally challenged adults I’ve ever heard of. I’m 12 years…”

    That was down right nasty. 12 years old is certainly old enough to practice common courtesy, and to use common sense.

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  40. Emerald
    margueritem  over 16 years ago

    Burgundy2: Thank you, and nice to see you here!

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    1gavin24  over 16 years ago

    i agree. i am 12 and i never have acted so rude at this age (so far).i belive manners are very important.

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  42. Emerald
    margueritem  over 16 years ago

    1gavin24 says:

    i agree. i am 12 and i never have acted so rude at this age (so far).i belive manners are very important.

    Gavin, you’re off to a great start in life. Treat others with respect, and they’ll treat you with respect in turn, and think well of you, too. I do.

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  43. Missing large
    1gavin24  over 16 years ago

    thank you very much.

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  44. Ducttapeprincess021
    7.G.U.Y.7  over 16 years ago

    floccinaucinihilipilification- your opinion is exactly what your name is, if someone is stupid you don’t tell them, you help them, if someone has an overly smart mouth, you bring them down a peg, like we all did to you floccinaucinihilipilification. You misspelt your own name, NO ONE will care what you say or think if you can’t spell your own freaking name right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The real difference between a smart and stupid person is not the test scores, its when they can apply the things they have learned, all the education in the world is not worth anything, if you can’t use it, and at the right time.

    Mesa young to, first time shaving 2night :) (no cuts 4 the select few who were wondering if i might have hurt myself, tho no1 will be cuz its way to late for anyone to read this I thought it was pretty good)

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  45. Emerald
    margueritem  over 16 years ago

    7G.U.Y.7 says: Mesa young to, first time shaving 2night :) (no cuts 4 the select few who were wondering if i might have hurt myself, tho no1 will be cuz its way to late for anyone to read this I thought it was pretty good)

    If I understood you correctly, congrats!! That’s a hard thing to do right the first time. The only sad thing is that now now you’ll have to do this for the rest of your life. ;-)

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  46. Toss calvin out
    esquiremtf  over 16 years ago

    Ahh … thus floccinaucinihilipilification provides us with an excellent example of the difference between knowledge and wisdom. And pretentiousness in his name, to boot. Keep it up, kid, and someday you may even get your own talk show to spew your venom. There are loads of other fools waiting.

    Watterson says he finds more humor in a deeper vocabulary. I wholeheartedly agree. A vintage strip, this one.

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    fay9al  over 16 years ago

    Wow what a nice Callvin i hope send more

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  48. Simpsonized me close up
    mrprongs  over 16 years ago

    Actually, the official studies show there’s no real difference between home and public schooled. It mostly depends on how much the parents know vs what the teachers get to teach. Those with better educations teach their kids better at home. A lot of teachers/former teachers home school their kids. And now, there’s Internet home schools which add to it.

    The flip side is the debate on how much social interaction kids get when home schooled.

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  49. Tears of cleopatra by savinaswings
    cleopv154  over 16 years ago

    Only because I was BORN to them HA!!!! A Biological conspiracy huh? Right!!

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    dsbairdks  almost 16 years ago

    Bucking the conspiracy

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