Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for April 16, 2009

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 16 years ago

    Moe gives Calvin as much grief as he gives to others

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    cleokaya  almost 16 years ago

    I remember the black gloom that would set in when a bully would challenge me. I never had any confidence. Then suddenly, I was pitted against a kid that used to always torment me. Our wrestling coach put us together in a match opposite one another and I pinned him in seconds flat. It was like a weight was lifted from my shoulders.

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  3. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 16 years ago

    Cleokaya: What a great feeling that must have been.

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  4. Veggie tales
    Yukoner  almost 16 years ago

    I love the look and atmosphere in panel 3. All too often that was me as a school aged child.

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  5. Shrek front
    attyush  almost 16 years ago

    Anything Calvin does will get him beat up. Including nothing.

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  6. Eww
    Ivy0730Lcsq  almost 16 years ago

    Calvin:”I don’t like physical education, let me just skip it??!!”

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  7. C h calvin and hobbes 13678562 100 100
    Opus Croakus  almost 16 years ago

    Join marching band, Calvin! That’s how I got out of P.E.

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  8. Wargob
    gbrucewilson  almost 16 years ago

    I joined the band and that helped a lot. The other thing I did was make friends with a half dozen BIG guys who looked a lot tougher than they really were. We ran as a group and no one messed with us. Calvin needs some big friends.

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  9. Avatar1   hobbes
    TapiocaHead  almost 16 years ago

.. Calvin got muscles from eating marshmallows and peanut butter sandwiches and will pin Moe in no time.

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  10. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  almost 16 years ago

    Nothing more painful than a black and blue imagination.

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  11. 00000
    alondra  almost 16 years ago

    Maybe Calvin needs to call Roselyn to come deal with Moe.

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  12. Simon
    comicgirl1000  almost 16 years ago

    Macushlalondra says Maybe Calvin needs to call Roselyn to come deal with Moe. you are so right

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  13. Just checkin
    Northwoodser  almost 16 years ago

    Bullys seem more apparent when you’re young, but don’t kid yourself-They’re still out there.

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  14. Missing large
    Unclebup  almost 16 years ago

    I imagine Calvin exploring a dark cave with noxious gasses and creatures grabbing and holding him - then the next frame - Calvins head is pinned under Moe’s arm pit
 i think thats about how it will go.

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  15. Nanny poo
    carmy  almost 16 years ago

    Stupendous Man needs to come and open up a can of whoopa$$!

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  16. Foxhound1
    bald  almost 16 years ago

    maybe calvin could get hobbs to substitute for him

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  17. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  almost 16 years ago

    Just bring Hobbes and talk to him at school. That’ll scare most others.

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  18. Picture 015
    madampresiden12  almost 16 years ago

    Often times bullies are only bullies until someone stands up to them. A boy in my 5th Grade class (ahh fifth grade, what a year) once let the air out of my bike tires, so I had to call my mom to leave work and come and pick me up. I went over to the kid mad as a skunk and grabbed him by the hand and flipped him. No training, no nothing, just walked over tohim and flipped him Didn’t know I had it in me, and never did iti again.

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  19. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  almost 16 years ago

    Calvin, why don’t you kick Moe’s groin during the PE? Let Moe suffer painfully anyway.

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  20. Kitty at sunset
    wicky  almost 16 years ago

    The bullys would beat me up daily, I was 12 y/o,4’8” wt 75lbs, and after I whupped on them with a 2x4 they called the cops on me
the nice policeman took one look at the skinny little runt that I was roared with laughter and let me go. and they never touched me again.

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  21. Images
    The Duke 1  almost 16 years ago

    Cleo I got messed with until I grew 6” one summer. Never had much trouble after that! I discovered the concept of reach (long arms) quickly! Really helped when playing hockey!

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  22. Hudson smallest
    markil  almost 16 years ago

    Calvin has such a Charlie Brown expression on his face in the third cell. Love it!

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  23. Missing large
    Leonardeuler  almost 16 years ago

    Maybe Calvin should ask Lucy van Pelt to come along with him during PE. As I remember she loves fighting

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  24. Veggie tales
    Yukoner  almost 16 years ago

    Northwoodser says:

    Bullys seem more apparent when you’re young, but don’t kid yourself-They’re still out there.

    How right you are. They simply change tactics.

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  25. Theskulker avatar ic07
    TheSkulker  almost 16 years ago

    opuscroakus70 LOVE your avatar. Did you create it? Must have been fun.

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  26. Theskulker avatar ic07
    TheSkulker  almost 16 years ago

    grazer says: Nothing more painful than a black and blue imagination.   Good one. I’m going to add that to my signature file.

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  27. Reddog
    unemandarine  almost 16 years ago

    margueritemPro says:

    Moe gives Calvin as much grief as he gives to others

    So very right

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  28. Forest goblin
    hamsterface  almost 16 years ago

    This is what I love about Calvin and Hobbes, nearly EVERYONE can relate to it. Shame it only lasted for ‘bout ten years

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  29. You dont mess with the bat
    wimp3  almost 16 years ago

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha HA!

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    cleokaya  almost 16 years ago

    JFrisch419, growing 6” in a year is a real good way to suddenly change the game plan. I can see you coming back after summer vacation and smiling at your nemesis, leaning over, jabbing him or her in the middle of the chest and saying “Hi, remember me?”

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  31. Toco toucan
    gpank  almost 16 years ago

    I know you’re stronger than that Calvin. Just go up to Moe and say,”take this.” and then punch him.

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  32. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    What happened to Cleokaya was what I experienced also. I mopped up the mat with the bully in a wrestling match and killed his rep. Everyone has a Moe sometime in their life and has to learn to deal with it.

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  33. Ninjawarrior
    Terry1844  almost 16 years ago

    Moe is the poster Child for Domestic Terrorism

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  34. Belle desktop.thumb
    yycmystery  almost 16 years ago

    Moe was never born. He evolved from the stuff on the locker room floor.

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  35. Img 0005
    Celloman47  over 7 years ago

    More has a berserk almost psycho hormone rate

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