I still want my Mommy when I’m sick or having a hard, stressful day and have to make some big decisions. I was lucky to have two Moms in my Mom and my Mother-in-law. I still look to heaven for their combined wisdom and comfort in every aspect of my life!
Ray C said, a week ago
“Puddleglum2: Since we believe that the universe began as a tiny, tiny speck about 13 or 14 billion years ago and the expansion rate is not infinite, we can say that it is large but finite in expanse. But there are no known limits to its expansion (as far as we know). Space itself is expanding…”
Who is/are “we”? I don’t believe in the Big Bang Theory.
I believe the universe is 6,000-10,000 years old according to biblical chronology (allowing for ‘small’ gaps here and there).
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
Genesis 1:1
How is space expanding? How did space (or anything else) come into existence in the first place? You can claim eternal matter if you so desire, but I will claim eternal God.
TMO1 said, 5 days ago
“Everything has a purpose? Then why did the dinosaurs have dominion over the earth for so many millions of years? I’d say we’re no more important than the dinosaurs, and they’re long gone. We won’t be missed anymore than they are when we’re gone. (And no, I don’t believe dinosaurs existed just to make oil for modern-day humans.)”
If everything doesn’t have a purpose, why are we ‘here’? Nothing matters! Even “Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die” is only good for this temporal life and then ‘poof’ we’re gone.
BTW, I believe dinosaurs were contemporary with humans from the beginning of the creation; most of them died during the worldwide flood. Two young dinosaurs of each kind were saved in Noah’s Ark, but the conditions afterward were vastly changed. Dinosaurs could not adequately accommodate themselves to the post-flood earth and eventually became extinct.
bpshand said, 5 days ago
Arguing FOR the bible FROM the bible is absurd unless you accept the bible as the word of god which I don’t.”
It seems to me that ‘absurd’ is too strong a word. “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
“But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
In whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”
II Corinthians 4:3,4
“For what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?
God forbid: yea, let God be true and every man a liar; as it is written, That you might be justified in your sayings, and might overcome when you are judged.”
Romans 3:3,4
Since I accept the Bible as the word of God, I am obliged to use it. God can say it better than I can, but I trust that the Holy Spirit prompts me when I use my own words.
Hey, Puddleglum2, you say God made the universe. Okay, who made God? You say God always was? Fine, I say existence always was. So who’s right, you or me? Actually, there’s no way to prove either side of the argument, so give it a rest and let the rest of us enjoy our cartoons.
bpshand said, 5 days ago
You still managed NOT to support the assertion: “We humans are the center of God’s attention in the universe he created…”
You did mightily thump the Bible tho.”
I thought I had implied support to the ‘assertion’ with the biblical quotes and comments. Nevertheless, here is more:
God came to earth as a baby in the person of Jesus Christ and lived a sinless life thereby qualifying himself to be the vicarious atoning sacrifice on the cross to pay the penalty for the sins of all the world. Jesus Christ suffered eternal punishment for our sakes that we might receive eternal life through believing in Him and receiving Him as our Savior and Lord. Doesn’t that emphatically show that human beings are the ‘center of God’s attention’? What more could a holy, just, righteous, and (most of all) loving God do?
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
John 3:16
I wondered about your final comment, but then I thought about the term “Bible Thumpers” and decided to take it positively.
alanswann said, 5 days ago
“puddleglum2: A donkey never spoke. No more than a snake did. Your God, your Jesus, is something quite extraordinary…but you need to rethink your theology. Every bit of it. A donkey never spoke.”
You’re not the first donkey that has ever spoken. :o) I’m being facetious.
I agree with one comment you wrote: “Your God, your Jesus, is something quite extraordinary…” Apparently, you don’t accept the Bible as the Word of God. You’re certainly not alone in that respect, but have you read Numbers 22-24? (I’m certainly not going to quote the three chapters.) It’s interesting and intriguing to read about Balaam and his donkey even if you don’t believe the biblical account.
I don’t know any reason to ‘rethink my theology’. In fact, the more I hear from skeptics, cynics, and naysayers such as you, the more I am confirmed in the beliefs I profess.
I suppose we could accidentally spring into existence against all odds or we could have a Creator who is outside of our existence. I can’t prove or disprove His existence. In my faith, you have to make a choice to believe and reap the consequences of the wrong choice.
Having been trained as a scientist, I have difficulty with anyone who turns scientific investigation as a faith or dogma. “Evolution”, “Big Bang”, “Global Warming”, are all part of what once was scientific investigation, but yet which are now all defended with such dogmatic fervor that I expect them to sing a closing hymn and pass the plate. I agree with Einstein: “God does not play dice.”
Is there any way people can contact each other privately for such discussions without compromising their own privacy? I think that would be the best solution all around.
Puddleglum2 - I don’t care what you believe, you have a right to that.
The point is, NOBODY reads past your second paragraph. Keep it compact and to the point and you will have more impact.
I was answering comments directed at me from several days ago. I just answered them all in one day.
Calvin and Hobbes is more than just a comic. It provokes thoughts, ideas and comments about ‘real’ life. Everybody has his preferences. I read all the posts. Some of them are banal, trivial and not worth posting, in my opinion, but people have a right to say what they want, and so do I. At least my comments have substance whether you agree with them or not. If they don’t interest you, scroll past them, and that goes for anyone else, too. Is that too much effort?
Puddleglum2 : I believe the Bible also. The Bible uses the word “day” in three ways: Daylight hours, a 24-hour span, and an arbitrary period of time with a definite beginning and end (such as the “Day of the Lord” which lasts a long time.
I’m not challenging the bible’s veracity, just your particular interpretation of it. If you’re hung up on an interpretation, then when the psalm says that the sun rises and makes a trip across the sky, you must believe that it’s saying that the sun goes around the earth. Don’t make the mistake that the early church made when they condemned Galileo.
Look at www.reasons.org where real scientists demonstrate the accuracy of the bible within their own specialties.
Ray C,
I’m aware of how the word “day” is used in various places, but in Genesis 1, it is described as evening and morning for six consecutive days. If God wanted to declare 24-hour days, how could He make it more plain?
I don’t think I’m ‘hung up on an interpretation’. I believe what I think the evidence proclaims.
“What is the lesson that Christians should learn from Galileo?” is a question that is answered at www.ChristianAnswers.net
In general, the Bible requires a literal, normal, plain interpretation, but the Bible sometimes uses figures of speech including metaphors (as people do these ‘days’, also). We must use proper discernment. For instance, see Revelation 7:1 for “four corners of the earth”. Obviously, the earth does not have four corners.
“It is he that sits upon the circle of the earth…”
Isaiah 40:22a
Doc Toon…you said it…and just when I thought it was safe to come back into the fold…the miasmic blather and mundane thoughts spoil it! Oh…wait…now I’m part of the problem!
No, but cartoons can show us our foibles, follies and flaws, and if we are secure in our faith journey - no matter what faith - we recognize ourselves and laugh.
Enjoy the wonder of Calvin and Hobbes and remember we all need our moms every once in a while!
Point taken - was just trying to point out that cartoons have value in every area of life, and we should enjoy them as we each are able with whatever life experience informs us.
No more theological meanderings from these fingers are forthcoming.
What makes you the judge of who is insane?
I have learned ‘some science already’. That’s why I don’t believe in an old universe. That’s pseudo-science and an accommodation to the so-called geological ages of evolution in my opinion. To believe in evolution is insane and preposterous. It could never happen in ‘a million years’, or any number of years. It’s absolutely impossible for the universe to come into existence by chance.
See www.icr.org
Consider the following situation: Imagine you were abducted at birth and taken to an Islamic Nation. It wouldn’t be a stretch to imagine that you would growp up to be a muslim who believes that allah is the supreme commander of the world. Goes to show that outside of yourself, your religious and theological beliefs have no relevance to / influence on the world in general (when I say world, I mean the temporal world and not the ppl who inhabit it. ppl are not constant). But the principles of science that you slammed so inelegantly remain constant and are outside the influence of your beliefs or mine.
The above example also shows that you are no more or less blessed than your muslim or jew counterparts but that you are just a Prisoner of Birth like everybody else who base their lives on their respective Good Books. The fact that you are glad about that status is beside the point because its science and HUMAN Love that run this world, not arbirary faith.
If it’s so-called “science and HUMAN Love that run this world”, it’s no wonder the world is in such a mess, and will be until the Lord Jesus Christ returns in glory to overthrow scientism and (in)human Love.
Apparently, Vonnegut doesn’t like your “long-winded” sermon, not to mention the largely ‘inelegant’ comments.
“It will all come out in the wash”.
margueritem about 15 years ago
Mom is always needed when you’re scared…..
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Love the expressions!!
Yukoner about 15 years ago
How quickly the worm turns.
“Lest we forget.”
WoodEye about 15 years ago
Don’t worry, it’s just Rocky!
JP Steve Premium Member about 15 years ago
Not Rocky, just Rory! http://www.gocomics.com/thebarn/2009/11/03/
Dino-1 about 15 years ago
I still want my Mommy when I’m sick or having a hard, stressful day and have to make some big decisions. I was lucky to have two Moms in my Mom and my Mother-in-law. I still look to heaven for their combined wisdom and comfort in every aspect of my life!
Troglodyte about 15 years ago
I’m with you there guys, I miss my Mom like crazy, too…
rentier about 15 years ago
It’s good to have a shoulder to lean down, when you are in fear!
rentier about 15 years ago
They cry in choir!
rentier about 15 years ago
What a wonderful duet!
nakula_sadewa about 15 years ago
both of them are superstitous
jrbj about 15 years ago
I would appear that the rock in the fourth panel is quivering. MOMMY!
unemandarine about 15 years ago
You see Calvin, moms are a good, even when they make you eat your veggies!
skipping about 15 years ago
I love Hobbes’ tail in panel 3.
Puddleglum2 about 15 years ago
Ray C said, a week ago “Puddleglum2: Since we believe that the universe began as a tiny, tiny speck about 13 or 14 billion years ago and the expansion rate is not infinite, we can say that it is large but finite in expanse. But there are no known limits to its expansion (as far as we know). Space itself is expanding…” Who is/are “we”? I don’t believe in the Big Bang Theory. I believe the universe is 6,000-10,000 years old according to biblical chronology (allowing for ‘small’ gaps here and there). “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 How is space expanding? How did space (or anything else) come into existence in the first place? You can claim eternal matter if you so desire, but I will claim eternal God.
Puddleglum2 about 15 years ago
TMO1 said, 5 days ago “Everything has a purpose? Then why did the dinosaurs have dominion over the earth for so many millions of years? I’d say we’re no more important than the dinosaurs, and they’re long gone. We won’t be missed anymore than they are when we’re gone. (And no, I don’t believe dinosaurs existed just to make oil for modern-day humans.)” If everything doesn’t have a purpose, why are we ‘here’? Nothing matters! Even “Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die” is only good for this temporal life and then ‘poof’ we’re gone. BTW, I believe dinosaurs were contemporary with humans from the beginning of the creation; most of them died during the worldwide flood. Two young dinosaurs of each kind were saved in Noah’s Ark, but the conditions afterward were vastly changed. Dinosaurs could not adequately accommodate themselves to the post-flood earth and eventually became extinct.
alondra about 15 years ago
I don’t think Mom can help you there. You better get back in your wagon and go home.
lazygrazer about 15 years ago
This is what happens when children wander too far from home….like 35 million miles for example.
Puddleglum2 about 15 years ago
bpshand said, 5 days ago “puddleglum2: Arguing FOR the bible FROM the bible is absurd unless you accept the bible as the word of god which I don’t.” It seems to me that ‘absurd’ is too strong a word. “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” “But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” II Corinthians 4:3,4 “For what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? God forbid: yea, let God be true and every man a liar; as it is written, That you might be justified in your sayings, and might overcome when you are judged.” Romans 3:3,4 Since I accept the Bible as the word of God, I am obliged to use it. God can say it better than I can, but I trust that the Holy Spirit prompts me when I use my own words.
jrbj about 15 years ago
Hey, Puddleglum2, you say God made the universe. Okay, who made God? You say God always was? Fine, I say existence always was. So who’s right, you or me? Actually, there’s no way to prove either side of the argument, so give it a rest and let the rest of us enjoy our cartoons.
lazygrazer about 15 years ago
Followers of Christianity aren’t equipped to read comics. Followers of Christ are.
Puddleglum2 about 15 years ago
bpshand said, 5 days ago “P’Glum2: You still managed NOT to support the assertion: “We humans are the center of God’s attention in the universe he created…” You did mightily thump the Bible tho.” I thought I had implied support to the ‘assertion’ with the biblical quotes and comments. Nevertheless, here is more: God came to earth as a baby in the person of Jesus Christ and lived a sinless life thereby qualifying himself to be the vicarious atoning sacrifice on the cross to pay the penalty for the sins of all the world. Jesus Christ suffered eternal punishment for our sakes that we might receive eternal life through believing in Him and receiving Him as our Savior and Lord. Doesn’t that emphatically show that human beings are the ‘center of God’s attention’? What more could a holy, just, righteous, and (most of all) loving God do? “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 I wondered about your final comment, but then I thought about the term “Bible Thumpers” and decided to take it positively.
Puddleglum2 about 15 years ago
alanswann said, 5 days ago “puddleglum2: A donkey never spoke. No more than a snake did. Your God, your Jesus, is something quite extraordinary…but you need to rethink your theology. Every bit of it. A donkey never spoke.” You’re not the first donkey that has ever spoken. :o) I’m being facetious. I agree with one comment you wrote: “Your God, your Jesus, is something quite extraordinary…” Apparently, you don’t accept the Bible as the Word of God. You’re certainly not alone in that respect, but have you read Numbers 22-24? (I’m certainly not going to quote the three chapters.) It’s interesting and intriguing to read about Balaam and his donkey even if you don’t believe the biblical account. I don’t know any reason to ‘rethink my theology’. In fact, the more I hear from skeptics, cynics, and naysayers such as you, the more I am confirmed in the beliefs I profess.
j42case about 15 years ago
I suppose we could accidentally spring into existence against all odds or we could have a Creator who is outside of our existence. I can’t prove or disprove His existence. In my faith, you have to make a choice to believe and reap the consequences of the wrong choice. Having been trained as a scientist, I have difficulty with anyone who turns scientific investigation as a faith or dogma. “Evolution”, “Big Bang”, “Global Warming”, are all part of what once was scientific investigation, but yet which are now all defended with such dogmatic fervor that I expect them to sing a closing hymn and pass the plate. I agree with Einstein: “God does not play dice.”
gjsjr41 about 15 years ago
I come here to enjoy the comics and get a chuckle or two. I don’t come her to be preached to. When I want preaching, I can go to church.
Rakkav about 15 years ago
Is there any way people can contact each other privately for such discussions without compromising their own privacy? I think that would be the best solution all around.
celeconecca about 15 years ago
Calvin & Hobbes are really channeling themselves through this discussion and I DON’T mean the boy and stuffed tiger.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Bdaysuit – Right on.
MOMWoodEye about 15 years ago
Puddleglum2 - I don’t care what you believe, you have a right to that. The point is, NOBODY reads past your second paragraph. Keep it compact and to the point and you will have more impact.
Puddleglum2 about 15 years ago
jrbj, I was answering comments directed at me from several days ago. I just answered them all in one day. Calvin and Hobbes is more than just a comic. It provokes thoughts, ideas and comments about ‘real’ life. Everybody has his preferences. I read all the posts. Some of them are banal, trivial and not worth posting, in my opinion, but people have a right to say what they want, and so do I. At least my comments have substance whether you agree with them or not. If they don’t interest you, scroll past them, and that goes for anyone else, too. Is that too much effort?
Ray_C about 15 years ago
Puddleglum2 : I believe the Bible also. The Bible uses the word “day” in three ways: Daylight hours, a 24-hour span, and an arbitrary period of time with a definite beginning and end (such as the “Day of the Lord” which lasts a long time. I’m not challenging the bible’s veracity, just your particular interpretation of it. If you’re hung up on an interpretation, then when the psalm says that the sun rises and makes a trip across the sky, you must believe that it’s saying that the sun goes around the earth. Don’t make the mistake that the early church made when they condemned Galileo. Look at www.reasons.org where real scientists demonstrate the accuracy of the bible within their own specialties.
pirakaking about 15 years ago
can sum1 give me links wer i can download whole of d series… plzzzzzzz
Hirshhorn about 15 years ago
They forgot to pack mom.
sthakrar about 15 years ago
You don’t know what you have until it’s gone.
Puddleglum2 about 15 years ago
Ray C, I’m aware of how the word “day” is used in various places, but in Genesis 1, it is described as evening and morning for six consecutive days. If God wanted to declare 24-hour days, how could He make it more plain? I don’t think I’m ‘hung up on an interpretation’. I believe what I think the evidence proclaims. “What is the lesson that Christians should learn from Galileo?” is a question that is answered at www.ChristianAnswers.net In general, the Bible requires a literal, normal, plain interpretation, but the Bible sometimes uses figures of speech including metaphors (as people do these ‘days’, also). We must use proper discernment. For instance, see Revelation 7:1 for “four corners of the earth”. Obviously, the earth does not have four corners. “It is he that sits upon the circle of the earth…” Isaiah 40:22a
foxfur about 15 years ago
Mars is under construction. Better go back to mother earth.
ratlum about 15 years ago
They are smart Mom is a good call
rafael.mendoza43 about 15 years ago
Mars seems dangerous for a boy who still need his mom, better you go back calvin
Ushindi about 15 years ago
What Doc Toon said. What a silly place to insert religious views of ANY kind - Christian, Muslim or Jewish.
bleepingdeadalien about 15 years ago
Doc Toon…you said it…and just when I thought it was safe to come back into the fold…the miasmic blather and mundane thoughts spoil it! Oh…wait…now I’m part of the problem!
ratlum about 15 years ago
Worship on sunday reflect and study the rest of the week Leave us our Calvin and Hobbes In most faiths cartoons are not high FAITH items
celeconecca about 15 years ago
No, but cartoons can show us our foibles, follies and flaws, and if we are secure in our faith journey - no matter what faith - we recognize ourselves and laugh.
Enjoy the wonder of Calvin and Hobbes and remember we all need our moms every once in a while!
Hirshhorn about 15 years ago
We are reading a comic strip, not the bible.
celeconecca about 15 years ago
Point taken - was just trying to point out that cartoons have value in every area of life, and we should enjoy them as we each are able with whatever life experience informs us.
No more theological meanderings from these fingers are forthcoming.
Ink-adink-adoo about 15 years ago
No one knew how to use a brush like Bill.
SamReader about 15 years ago
who ever is claiming the universe 6,000-10,000 years old is completely insane
learn some science already
Puddleglum2 about 15 years ago
SamReader, What makes you the judge of who is insane? I have learned ‘some science already’. That’s why I don’t believe in an old universe. That’s pseudo-science and an accommodation to the so-called geological ages of evolution in my opinion. To believe in evolution is insane and preposterous. It could never happen in ‘a million years’, or any number of years. It’s absolutely impossible for the universe to come into existence by chance. See www.icr.org
sunrise814 about 15 years ago
@Puddleglum2: Thank you for defending your faith. I, too, am a Christian, and I love to see you using Bible verses.
Puddleglum2 about 15 years ago
sunrise814, People like you are either in the minority on this website, or don’t care or dare enough to speak out. Thank you. You have made my day!
JTGAM about 15 years ago
Thereis no place like mom.
krisch about 15 years ago
Dear P’Glum2,
Consider the following situation: Imagine you were abducted at birth and taken to an Islamic Nation. It wouldn’t be a stretch to imagine that you would growp up to be a muslim who believes that allah is the supreme commander of the world. Goes to show that outside of yourself, your religious and theological beliefs have no relevance to / influence on the world in general (when I say world, I mean the temporal world and not the ppl who inhabit it. ppl are not constant). But the principles of science that you slammed so inelegantly remain constant and are outside the influence of your beliefs or mine.
The above example also shows that you are no more or less blessed than your muslim or jew counterparts but that you are just a Prisoner of Birth like everybody else who base their lives on their respective Good Books. The fact that you are glad about that status is beside the point because its science and HUMAN Love that run this world, not arbirary faith.
Vonnegut about 15 years ago
If only there was a commandment that read: Thou shalt keep thy long-winded sermons to ones self.
Puddleglum2 about 15 years ago
krisch, If it’s so-called “science and HUMAN Love that run this world”, it’s no wonder the world is in such a mess, and will be until the Lord Jesus Christ returns in glory to overthrow scientism and (in)human Love. Apparently, Vonnegut doesn’t like your “long-winded” sermon, not to mention the largely ‘inelegant’ comments. “It will all come out in the wash”.
pinkahobbes about 14 years ago
hobbes’s face is so pricelss