When the US currency with larger, off-center portraits came out, the larger denominations came out first, so that when the new tens came out, customers would assure you in all honesty that they’d given you a twenty, since those were the only new-look bills they were used to handling.
yoda1234 2 months ago
Remember, kiddies, all US currency above $100 was last issued for circulation in 1969!
Chris 2 months ago
dude, get a life. :p
ajr58(1) 2 months ago
Let Maynard handle this
biz.gocomics 2 months ago
Very bad man…
Jefano Premium Member 2 months ago
When the US currency with larger, off-center portraits came out, the larger denominations came out first, so that when the new tens came out, customers would assure you in all honesty that they’d given you a twenty, since those were the only new-look bills they were used to handling.