I miss the levers! And, speaking as a former machine custodian, they were great from a trust/validity standpoint.
It did seem more like actually participating. But I learned how to completely fill in the ellipses in grade school. I admit I do ‘grind’ some in.
I never had that opportunity. Ellipses are just fine by me. We have been voting by mail for about 24 years now.
This one reminds me of Jerry Seinfeld’s observation of missing the ability to slam modern phones down in anger.
Comicsandcookies 4 months ago
I miss the levers! And, speaking as a former machine custodian, they were great from a trust/validity standpoint.
goboboyd 4 months ago
It did seem more like actually participating. But I learned how to completely fill in the ellipses in grade school. I admit I do ‘grind’ some in.
Teto85 Premium Member 4 months ago
I never had that opportunity. Ellipses are just fine by me. We have been voting by mail for about 24 years now.
Chris Sherlock 4 months ago
This one reminds me of Jerry Seinfeld’s observation of missing the ability to slam modern phones down in anger.