FoxTrot by Bill Amend for January 14, 2000
Roger: It's amazing. I've lost four pounds after only three days with the ab-crusher 2000. Andy: Wow! I thought that thing was a joke, but I guess it really works. Is it that it burns lots of calories, or does it change your metabolism? Roger: Actually, it's just made me too sore to pull open the refrigerator door. Andy: I'd wondered how that block of cheddar survived the week.
aardvark86au almost 8 years ago
Anyone else find the occasional Neanderthal style under-bites in this strip (e.g. Roger in panel 4 here) a bit disconcerting? over 4 years ago
Hey as long as it works
LeviticusTheLanky about 2 years ago
I would say that is worth it. Get me one of those RIGHT NOW