“We have enough youth. How ’bout a fountain of smart?”
Management gives their apologies. The Fountain of Youth has been replaced with the Shot Glass of Juvenile Antics. The next best thing we can offer is Urd’s Fountain of Knowledge. But beware! The last time anyone made a deal to get so much as a sip… it cost him his eye!
Calvinist1966 about 10 hours ago
If you are examnesiac, it means you are no longer an amnesiac so you no longer have an excuse but an ex-excuse.
rockyridge1977 about 4 hours ago
I Mad Am I about 2 hours ago
“We have enough youth. How ’bout a fountain of smart?”
Management gives their apologies. The Fountain of Youth has been replaced with the Shot Glass of Juvenile Antics. The next best thing we can offer is Urd’s Fountain of Knowledge. But beware! The last time anyone made a deal to get so much as a sip… it cost him his eye!