FoxTrot by Bill Amend for April 22, 2002
Roger: This isn't my stock portfolio. Voice from PC: Whoops. My bad. I opened Peter't "Stock Car Insanity Extreme Racing 2002" video game by mistake. Here's your stock portfolio. Roger: Go back to the smashing cars. That was more calming. Voice: I can use a different color than red if you want.
callak over 8 years ago
Scary how that may be true too.
Ceggie 2 months ago
Woah, what the heck is the first panel computer diplaying?Usually it displays what it shows in the second panel( which I don’t know what it is), but I guess something changed.
Ceggie 2 months ago
OHHHH it is showing the home screen with a popup, a bar for apps, and a top bar for stuff like the time and what-not.